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Hear me out: Erick Gutiérrez.

Kevin and Cecilia are somewhere in the woods in the middle of the night. She's sleeping peacefully on his shoulder while he tries to think about other things than the current situation that he's in. He looked at Cecilia sleeping; it was exactly like Leilah, almost everything like her. It's ridiculous how they look quite similar but yet so different; Leilah is more of a fiery person and Cecilia, is a more composed one.

It was in fact a cold night; they had to lay close to each other to keep some kind of warmth alongside the fire. Kevin made sure that she was staying warm the whole night by keeping her close to his body. It might look scandalous to others but to Kevin, it's just the best way to help in this situation.

The more he kept looking at her, the more he thought about the physical similarities between her and Leilah as if they were related or something. She's gorgeous and has a peaceful personality compared to Leilah that can nag him almost all the time.

Of course, during the honeymoon, none of that happened but he knows damn well that if she's mad, she can get very harsh. With Cecilia's personality so far, he can determine that she seems very sweet; he knows he'll get along with her during practices.

"Ah, they probably don't have any signal in the woods," Leilah concluded as she puts Milán to bed.
Milán: Papá?
Leilah: You'll talk to him tomorrow okay? I promise.

The little boy nods and was quick to fall asleep; he played football all day long. It was hard to catch up with her son's movements as she was more and more tired. It's to the point that she takes naps mid day.
Leilah: Something just doesn't feel right...I have to check that out tomorrow...

She also falls asleep, hoping that Kevin is doing alright.

In the early morning in London, João is getting ready to leave for Manchester for a game against Manchester City.
Rubi: Why can I not come with you??
João: The team plane doesn't allow family and friends. Just use my private jet, and I'll let them know that you're using it. I just can't sneak you into the hotel room though, rules are rules.
Rubi: Fine, you've got everything packed up though?
João: Yeah I did, I'll let you know when we land, it shouldn't take too long.
Rubi: Okay, see you later then.
João: See you later my love...

They kiss and he leaves for the airport. Rubi packed her own stuff and waits for the confirmation of the private jet. She decides to take Floki with her or else he'll make a big mess in the house. Rubi is walking out the door with the dog and she gets hit in the head with a metal object. She falls to the ground and when she looks up, she sees Magui.
Rubi: You fucking bitch...
Magui: Let's settle this woman to woman shall we?
Rubi: You're obsessed with a man who fucking hates you!! Give it up already! How the fuck did you even got here?!
Magui: He belongs to me, got it?! The code on the gates is easy, it's the day me and João first met.
Rubi: You're a fucking crazy bitch! No wonder he left you!

Rubi gets back on her feet and takes the metal object from her hands and throws it away.
Rubi: You really need objects to fight me?! Seriously, you're pathetic.
Magui: You just don't understand that me and João, we're serious and that he can't find a way to get rid of you...So I'm taking matters into my own hands...

She punches Rubi right in the jaw to which Rubi responded by punching harder.
Rubi: Have you not learned your lesson last time?! I can fucking beat your ass right here right now!! I'm sick and tired of you coming around as if he's going to come back to you! He's not! He has moved on! Can't you see that he's more happier?! If you really cared about João then you should care about his happiness!
Magui: Shut up!! You're playing with his mind, that's what you're doing! Break up with him right now and I'll let you go...
Rubi: Never.
Magui: Your loss then...

Toxic ~ Kevin Alvarez & João FélixWhere stories live. Discover now