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Chocolate cake >>>>> Vanilla cake

While João went to his training session, Leilah hesitated on calling Kevin. She feels like he needs to know that they are well but on the other hand, she's afraid that he'll start shouting at her. Not only that, she's closing in a decision: either she remains a single mother or start a new relationship.

Whatever she chooses, it's for the sake of Milán. She loves her son more than anything in this world and she'd do anything to give him the best life possible. Leilah played around too much; she put herself in situations that broke many hearts. The blood, sweat and tears she has put into this family has to bring some kind of reward at the end right?

They have yet to be truly happy.

Leilah sighs and calls Kevin who immediately answers.
Kevin: Oh my God Leilah! I was so worried for you two! Are you okay??
Leilah: Yes, we're okay, we're fine. And your arm?
Kevin: It hurts a little bit but I should be able to play. You have no idea how sorry I am I-
Leilah: Save your apologies, I called you just for you to know that we're okay.
Kevin: Can I at least talk to my son? In a video call?
Leilah: Sure...

The call turns into a video call and she points the camera to Milán.
Leilah: Say hi to your father.
Milán: Da da!
Kevin: Yes it's me! I hope you're doing well with mommy! I miss you very very much you know? I carry a small picture of you with your little Pachuca jersey as my good luck charm...I promise that I'll never let you down again...that when you grow up, you can count on me...okay? Be nice to mamá, always, because she deserves it, she did a lot for you...papá did not take the time to love her as she deserved to be...and now I regret it...so don't be like me Milán, love your mother...

Leilah is off-screen wipping her tears away and soon heard a word she wanted to hear for so long.

"Ma ma!"

Milán finally called her mamá; she had the biggest smile on her face.
Kevin: See? He knows his mother...Leilah, I wanna see you...Please...

She sighs and comes to the frame of the camera.
Kevin: Leilah, How are you? Like actually...
Leilah: I am lost honestly...
Kevin: Are you coming to see us tomorrow? The national team is coming to London and they're hosting a family night...
Leilah: I'll come, just for you to see Milán, he misses you.
Kevin: And how about you? Do you miss me?
Leilah: I do...But I miss the Kevin who took me out on our first date and smilled all the time and the one who was so invested to make Milán a footballer every day...If I had that Kevin, I would've never run away from you...
Kevin: I'm very sorry-
Leilah: I don't want to hear it, tomorrow we'll talk about the co-parenting. See you tomorrow.

She hangs up and deeply sighs; her heart was racing when she saw him. Leilah noticed that Kevin looked tired through the screen; indeed he is, he stayed up almost the whole night cussing at himself and when he tried to sleep, he was twisting and turning in his bed. He was afraid that they were in danger, but now the call reassured him a little bit. Kevin can have Milán and Leilah is slowly closing the door on him.

Leilah takes the time to clean their room and then takes care of her son until João comes home.
João: I got you some Cheetos like you asked!
Leilah: Thanks João.
João: Hey, I see that you cried, what's wrong?
Leilah: I had a call with Kevin...
João: And what did he say?
Leilah: He asked me if I'm coming to the family event tomorrow and he wanted to apologize to me...I cut his sentence short because if I let him talk, I'd be torn apart...
João: Makes sense, are you going to the event?
Leilah: Yeah, I cannot prevent him from seeing his son...that's too cruel...But the good thing that I can take from this call is that Milán called me mamá...You have no idea I've waited for it...

Toxic ~ Kevin Alvarez & João FélixWhere stories live. Discover now