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Bro got a red card 💀

The whole time.

The baby is Kevin's.

How did the tests get tempered? And how would she announce the news?

They are about to sign the birth certificate in a couple of minutes and Leilah has to tell them the truth again.

"God, why me?" She said in her thoughts.
Leilah: Uhm guys...
Kevin: Yeah? Why are you reading the DNA tests?
Leilah: Because when I saw Milán, I saw a lot of resemblances...with you Kevin...and I wanted to take a look at the test once again...
Kevin: Okay but João is the father!
Leilah: That's what we all thought...

"WHATTT??? WHAT IN THE TELENOVELAS???" Diego shouted out and Blanca hits his arm to shut up.
João: What do you mean by that Leilah...?
Leilah: Someone tampered with the DNA test...Look...

She hands him the documents and reads in absolute shock. João is devastated; he was happy to see that little boy but he does come to the realization that the baby felt better around Kevin than with him.
João: I...I don't know what to say...
Kevin: Wait...it's actually deadass??? Pass it!

Kevin also reads the documents and gasps loudly.
Kevin: Oh my God...
João: Congratulations Kevin...

João was visibly hurt by the news. 
Kevin: Woah...I don't think I'm realizing that it's true right now...João, I really thought he was yours!
João: Milán was kicking when you were around and when Leilah gave birth, he was calm when he heard you. It's definitely yours...
Leilah: João, you did great to take care of me...I am so sorry for putting you through all this...
João: No no, it's okay...we wouldn't have known. Well, until Milán would be a copy of Kevin's face.

She pulls João into a tight hug while he tries not to cry.
Leilah: You can come and visit him whenever you want...
João: Thank you...I'm gonna let you and Kevin celebrate...
Leilah: Will you be okay?
João: I will don't worry.

He gives her a reassuring smile before congratulating Kevin once again and leaving.
Diego: Oh. My. God. What a plot twist!!!
Leilah: Like a telenovela huh?

Blanca hits his arm again and everyone laughs. Kevin turns to Leilah; he's got tears again.
Kevin: So...it's really my baby...?
Leilah: It is...You were right, you had a connection with Milán from the start...The smile...Gosh, the smile...it's exactly like yours...

Kevin pulls up a picture of himself as a baby that he carries everywhere he goes because it's the rare picture he has of his own father.
Kevin: Fuck he does look like me...

He smiles brightly; Kevin is extremely happy that Milán is his and that he can call him a Junior.
Kevin: His full name will be Kevin Milán Álvarez Ramirez.
Leilah: It's fine by me...

The nurse brings back Milán who is now sleeping peacefully in his little bed. And they both sign the birth certificate.
Leilah: Look at him...handsome isn't he? Just like his father.
Kevin: And he'll learn to be strong and resilient like you...Finally, we can have a great ending...

He walks over to Milán's bed and smiles; he's the most happiest man in the world. Leilah is slowly recovering from her long labour by drifting to sleep without anyone noticing.
Diego: Damn bro I have never seen you smile this hard before!
Kevin: Yeah, I'm very happy right now...
Diego: I'm glad that you changed for the best.
Kevin: We been through a lot, a shit ton of drama and breakups...I think that now it's settled; I want Leilah and I want Milán...I wanted us to be officially a family...
Diego: You're going to marry her?
Kevin: I'm planning on it.
Diego: Ayyy weyyy!!!

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