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A chapter focusing on EDSON?????? 👀 (Blame @D1FLUVER for da wild shit😟) 

The honeymoon in Punta Cana is off to a great start. On their second day, they went to a tattoo shop so they can tattoo their rings. They promised each other that they'll never regret this choice, even if they get into the worst argument. They stop by an ice cream shop as well so they can try new flavours that they haven't tried before. Once they get home, Kevin and Leilah call Milán to see if he's okay. He enjoys his time with his grandmother so he doesn't miss his parents too much.

At least he won't hear them fuck.

Kevin is getting much better at cooking and he made some pozole for them to enjoy.
Leilah: Damn babe this is really delicious!
Kevin: Really?? It doesn't taste like how my momma does it!
Leilah: Of course no one beats a mom's cooking but I'm serious when I say this is good!
Kevin: Thank goodness!

They both laugh and while they are eating, Kevin slowly held her hand.
Kevin: Babe, how are you feeling right now...?
Leilah: Oh I feel amazing! Being your wife brings me joy already...
Kevin: Good, I really hope that you feel happy with me...
Leilah: Why would I not be happy with you...?
Kevin: I don't know...I'm overthinking, that's all...
Leilah: Babe, I'm yours...really...Even if I would shout at you that I hate you...You know that I still love you...You and I both know that feeling very well...
Kevin: We do...

She kisses his hand to give him a bit of comfort.
Leilah: Let's not lie to each other; our relationship was toxic...
Kevin: Very toxic...
Leilah: And I thought that I could resist you...But you know what? I'm happy that I failed because I'm living a greater life than before...
Kevin: Sometimes, I keep thinking about how shit I was towards you...
Leilah: Me too, I wasn't the best girlfriend out there but now that we're married, it's like a second chance at love...So fuck the past...
Kevin: Yeah, screw the past...As long as I have you, I'm also happy...

He kisses her and they keep eating the pozole that he made.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

"Babe, we need to talk" Said Selena.

The kids already left for Lainey's and Jorge's which is located next door house and Edson and Selena just came back from a date at a restaurant.
Edson: Yeah what's up?
Selena: Do you remember when we were at Leilah's and Kevin's wedding and Milán gave a flower to Zoradia?
Edson: Yes, I do, what about it?
Selena: You seemed...pissed off that Milán did that...
Edson: I don't want him near our daughter...
Selena Why's that...?

He rolls his eyes and sits on the couch.
Selena: I'm waiting!
Edson: You know his parents! He's probably raised like shit! I don't want that for Zoradia!
Selena: She's gonna be fine! Plus, they're just kids!
Edson: He's a bad influence I just know it!
Selena: Come on, it's nothing bad!
Edson: I swear if I see that little kid near my daughter I will-
Selena: OUR daughter first of all and secondly, you won't do shit! Milán has not done anything bad!
Edson: YET! What if when they grow up and she ends up being pregnant with HIS baby! He's not gonna treat her well! I just know it!

Selena crosses her arms; she believes that Edson is overreacting.
Selena: Or just you don't wanna see Zoradia grow up!
Edson: Or YOU want someone in the family to marry an Alvarez!
Selena: You're seriously thinking about what happened in the club again?!
Edson: You've always loved Kevin! Kevin this, Kevin that!
Selena: We've talked about this Edson! If I really wanted Kevin, I wouldn't be carrying your baby right now!
Edson: Maybe the baby in your belly is not mine...

Toxic ~ Kevin Alvarez & João FélixWhere stories live. Discover now