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Blame @ilovefinemennn for what will be going on in the next chapters.

Words couldn't describe how heartbroken they are right now; outside the delivery room, the ladies wait for them to let them in and see the babies.
Selena: Dang, her delivery is taking really long!
Leilah: Of course! Because she has two babies to push out!
Lainey: They're gonna be cute babies for sure! I wonder if they're gonna look more like their mother or father?
Alejandra: I say mother but with Memo's curly hair when they grow up!
Leilah: Totally agree!

Little did they know that inside the delivery room, Memo and Michele are crying for the deceased newborns.
Michele: I-I refuse to believe it...No...
Memo: It h-happened...I'm s-sorry...I'm sorry...
Michele: It's not y-your fault...
Memo: M-maybe if I took s-some days off to b-be with you when I had the chance we-
Michele: Babe I-it wouldn't change a thing...
Memo: W-what if-
Michele: You did what you could...S-so did it...W-we just got unlucky...
Memo: I...

The image of the lifeless babies keeps running through his mind and he backed away from her.
Memo: I-I'm sorry...

He left the room in tears and without acknowledging the women waiting for the news about the babies.
Leilah: That doesn't look good...
Selena: Let's go inside and see.

They all got up and went inside the room where Michele is crying alone and there was still some blood on the bed and the floor.
Selena: What happened???
Michele: The...babies...
Lainey: What about them...?
Michele: They...didn't make it...

Everyone was completely stunned; the pregnancy went very well so they would've never guessed that they would pass away like this.
Leilah: We're so sorry to hear that...
Alejandra: Yeah...We're here for both of you if y'all need anything...

She nods and they all hug her to give her a bit of comfort after hours of labour. Memo left alone feeling extremely broken; he couldn't stand another minute longer in that room. He just couldn't help his wife emotionally because he couldn't deal with his own breakdown.

The one who's to be everyone's therapist and give out life advice can't help himself to feel better. He drove away from the hospital to isolate himself from everyone.

Memo is broken.

He couldn't even face his kids when he left the room.

He left to whatever can make him go far far away from that hospital, away from his problems.

Michele is slowly recovering from her painful delivery but is devastated it didn't go as planned.
Michele: Where's Memo...?
Alejandra: He walked out of the room without saying anything. We don't know where he's at.
Leilah: I'll call him and see.

She dials his number but it falls into his voicemail. She tries three more times but he isn't willing to pick up.
Leilah: Nothing...
Michele: Fuck!

Everyone's kids, including Memo's and Michele's children Luciana who is 12 and Guillermo Jr who is 10 walk inside the room.
Luciana: Mommy! I'm a big sister again??

It was hard to answer her; Michele didn't want to break her heart because she was very excited to see her new siblings.
Michele: Y-yes...yes...but you won't be a-able to see them...
Luciana: Why? Are they okay?
Michele: They...T-they...

She couldn't say the word because it hurts her as well. Michele bursts out crying and her daughter was quick to hug her. Guillermo also joined the hug.
Michele: I'm sorry kids...Anto and Esme...Unfortunately died...
Luciana: What...? 
Guillermo: Dead...? 
Michele: Yes...I'm very sorry...I know you two were very excited to have new siblings but...It didn't go as planned...

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