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Yeah...get your tissues...The photo. 

"What the fuck...?"

Kevin looks around an empty room.
Kevin: Where am I?!

He gets up from the floor and goes for the door but it's locked.

"Trying to get out?"  A familiar voice said.

He turns around to see Marbella sitting on a chair.
Kevin: The fuck are you doing here?!
Marbella: Oh this is all playing in your mind so YOU have to tell me what I'm doing here!
Kevin: Did I fucking die or something...?
Marbella: Maybe yes, maybe no.
Kevin: How do I get out of here?!
Marbella: It'll open when you have a conversation with me I guess. I don't know, it's your head. 
Kevin: I don't want to do this shit...
Marbella: Then you're trapped with me. Just like the good old times...
Kevin: We were good at first, until you decided to fuck Marco...
Marbella: Kev I'm sorry, you know that I am...
Kevin: Yeah but it's too late. I don't love you anymore...not only that, you kidnapped my son! How can I fucking forgive you for that?! You're crazy!
Marbella: Says you, you're dating someone 10 times worse than me! She shot me 20 times Kevin! 20 fucking times!!

Kevin sits down, back against the wall and covering his face with his hands.
Kevin: Get out of my head...Get out...
Marbella: Kevin, I know I haven't been the ideal girlfriend but I promise you that I always love you...My love for you will always be there...
Kevin: I said I don't love you anymore...
Marbella: Deep down you do, because why would I be in your head right now?
Kevin: I don't know, I just summoned you by accident.
Marbella: Kevin, stay here with me...The world is full of pain and suffering...here you'll be alright, you'll be happy...
Kevin: But my family...

Marbella got up from her chair and sat next to him.
Marbella: They can wait, you need happiness Kevin...
Kevin: My happiness is with Leilah and Milán...
Marbella: Just take my hand and I'll show you happiness...I know someone who'd love to see you...
Kevin: Who?
Marbella: Your father...

He stayed silent; he does miss him a lot, he does think about him, but will he give up his family for it?
Kevin: I'd love to see him, but not today...not now...I still have a lot to do in this world...
Marbella: Come on, here it's much calmer, a more happier place than earth...
Kevin: No offence but you should be in Hell...
Marbella: You're not a saint either Kevin...But you'll love it here...Stay...


Leilah is holding Kevin's hand while he lays unconscious on the hospital bed. She tries her best not to cry in front of Milán so he doesn't freak out but he kept on calling for his dad.
Leilah: Milán, how about you make a drawing for papá? Maybe it'll help him get better quicker...

He nods and she gives him a sheet of paper with markers so he can draw. It's been 3 hours that they are waiting for him to wake up. The doctor told her that he's doing well but it doesn't rule him out of danger. When the game was over, players from team Liga Mx, Chicharito and Carlos Vela went to the hospital to get updates about his condition and support Leilah and Milán. The team had to unfortunately catch their flight back to Mexico but Chicha and Carlos stayed with her. 
Chicharito: I think it's best that you rest up, it's almost 11 pm and you're tired...
Leilah: I'm okay...I am...
Carlos: Chicha is right, we can look after Milán, don't worry. Plus the kids can play with him. 
Leilah: But I wanna be there when he wakes up...
Carlos: We'll wake you up when he does, we promise. 
Chicharito: So take a nap Leilah...
Leilah: Fine...

Toxic ~ Kevin AlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now