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Kevin pulls up to João's driveway; there's a gate separating him from the house itself. He walks over to the gate and rings the bell.
João: The fuck do you want?!
Kevin: Open this fucking door.
João: And why would I do that?!
Kevin: Where is Leilah?!
João: I don't know!
Kevin: Stop fucking lying!!
João: I'm serious I don't know where she is!
Kevin: open the door.

João opens the gates to let him in. Kevin storms in and searches all over the house.
João: Kevin I don't know what you're on about but she is not here!
Kevin: You placed her somewhere else huh?? Tell me!!
João: I don't know anything dumbass!!

Kevin grabs him and slams him to the wall.
Kevin: Tell me where is she or I cut your throat open, got it?!
João: I swear on my life that I only saw her before the game on my way home! That's it!
Kevin: Stop lying!!
João: I'm not! I have no clue what happened to her!

He lets go of him and searches the house even more; nothing.
João: See?? You fucking asshole!
Kevin: She disappeared of course I thought she would be here!!
João: Have you called Diego?! He knows everything!

He dials Diego's number and he informs him that she only saw her after the game in the stadium. He explains to Kevin that she was pretty upset about losing her job.
Kevin: Do you think that she's just sitting somewhere alone?
Diego: She could, but for 2 hours? I'm not sure. If that was the case, she would've at least put you on read.
Kevin: I feel like something bad happened to her...

"Leilah are you serious?!"

Kevin is furious at her. She came back home late and she looked like a mess.
Kevin: Where we you?!
Leilah: At a friend's house.
Kevin: Which friend?! Who is it?!
Leilah: I'm home! That's what matters!
Kevin: What's that on your neck?! Friends give you hickeys?!
Leilah: I- Kevin listen-
Kevin: You are a fucking whore yeah! All you do is fuck guys left and right!! I can't believe I fell in love with you!!

Kevin had tears in his eyes; he was visibly hurt.
Leilah: N-no...listen...I'm sorry-
Kevin: Same story every time!! You're going to end up all alone! With no one by your fucking side!!
Leilah: Baby...I'm sorry, please! Just give me another chance!
Kevin: Shut up!! I gave you everything EVERYTHING to make you happy!! And look at you! Acting like a whore!
Leilah: I'm...
Kevin: That's all you can say!! You never loved me did you...? You're just here for sex...
Leilah: No! Kevin I love you! I really do!
Kevin: Then you shouldn't be kissing other men!!

She was also in tears; she never meant to hurt him, she always makes stupid choices. She tried pleading her case but it doesn't work; he hates her. The argument kept on going until the bedroom where he packed her stuff up while she tries to change his mind. Leilah pulls him close to her, not wanting to let him go.
Leilah: Baby...You know that I love you...
Kevin: You're a fucking whore...Let me go!
Leilah: I can't...
Kevin: I said LET ME GO!!

Kevin pushes her down onto the bed.

And she wakes up from another dream.
Leilah: Fucking hell these dreams are getting scarier! Where am I?! Hello?!

The room is dark and it seems to be a bedroom. She tries to make a run for the door but falls on the floor; her foot is handcuffed to the bedpost.
Leilah: Fuck! What did I do now?!

Toxic ~ Kevin AlvarezOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant