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Diego is a Tigres player now💔

They go home in bright smiles as Diego already knew that the date Kevin planned worked perfectly.
Diego: Heeeyyy!! I see you two smiling! Oh oh! Is that hickeys???
Kevin: Diego you can never shut up huh?
Diego: Aayyy next time do better to hide them!
Leilah: Mmhh we don't want to hide it!
Diego: Sssooo...you two are together??

They look at each other and smile.
Leilah: Yes we are!
Alejandra: Congratulations! It's about damn time you two stopped the acting!
Diego: I know right! It was so obvious that they wanted each other!
Leilah: It was really that obvious???
Diego: You were getting every time he walked in the same room as you!
Leilah: Oh gosh I'm terrible at hiding my feelings!

They all laugh and they thank Diego and Alejandra for taking care of Milán while they were gone. Once they left, they went to their son's room to see him sleep.
Kevin: So peaceful huh...?
Leilah: He is...we sure made one beautiful little boy...
Kevin: We sure did...can't wait for more kids...
Leilah: You want more?
Kevin: Hell yeah!
Leilah: We'll see about that...Let's head to bed as well...Care to give me one of your clothes?
Kevin: Of course mi amor...

They go to bed and he lends her his Mexico jersey to wear for the night. The two of them were still exhausted from their love-making session so they fell asleep really quick.

The next morning, they three of them went to Leilah's home and grabbed her stuff to move into Kevin's house. Luckily, she didn't have to much stuff to so the back and forth wasn't persistent. Once they got everything in the house and rearrange them, they can finally relax.
Leilah: Let's see what's on Tv!

She turns on the television and the first thing they see is transfer rumours that teams in Europe are interested to buy Kevin.
Leilah: That's awesome news! Going to Europe is a big step in your career!
Kevin: Holy shit even AC Milan??? How ironic if I sign for them while I literally have a son named after the city!
Leilah: Keep on working hard and surely you'll make that jump to Europe!
Kevin: I will!

The doorbell rings and Kevin goes to open it.
Rubi: Surprise!!
Kevin: Rubi hi! What are you doing here??
Rubi: Well me and João just landed and we just wanted to say hi to you!
Kevin: Come on in then!

Kevin and João have been on good terms as long as he takes care of Rubi.
Rubi: Leilah!! How are you??
Leilah: Hey Rubi! I'm good and you?
Rubi: I'm good too! Where Milán?
Leilah: Just in his playroom!

João and Kevin talk to each other while the girls play with Milán.
João: Rubi and I wanted to invite you guys to dinner if y'all are down.
Kevin: Sure! I think it would be nice to have an activity altogether!
João: Yeah it is. So you two...y'all are together now?
Kevin: Yeah since yesterday! Took us long but we're together!
João: That's great to hear, congratulations you two!

They open a bottle of Corona and drink together. It feels weird to see that now they are buddies but it's truly happening. They let the small family to get ready for dinner and they are off to a nearby restaurant. Many fans reconigzed them and asked to take pictures; paparazzi were present as well and trying to get multiple questions out of Kevin and Leilah. She's holding Milán and everyone is shoving her around isn't helping at all. Kevin keeps her close to him and they manage to get inside the restaurant.
Kevin: Gosh they'll never leave us alone!
João: Yeah they've been following me and Rubi since we landed...
Rubi: I hope the staff is gonna give us another way out so they don't follow us again...
Kevin: Let's sit, our table is over there.

Toxic ~ Kevin AlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now