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In the morning, Rubi is the first one to wake up while João is still asleep. She looked at his sleeping body with a smile on her face.
Rubi: You are quite cute when you're sleeping...

She grabs her phone to check her social media and sees that Magui sent her a video.
Rubi: What the fuck does she want...

Rubi opens the video and her mouth hangs open; it's a video of Magui and João fucking.

"You like it like that baby?" João said to her in the video, "You're so beautiful..."

João was giving her passionate love while she recorded it. He gave her hickeys all over her body as he kept fucking her hard. "I love you, I'll never stop loving you baby...You're the one and only..." He said to her; all these moans and praises hurt her.

Rubi immediately clicked off the video.
Rubi: No Rubi...This does not trigger me...This does not...

But the scene keeps replaying in her head over and over again until João woke up.
João: Good morning babe...
Rubi: Morning...
João: You seem upset, is it because of yesterday?
Rubi: In part, yes.
João: There's something else...?
Rubi: Magui sent me your sex tape with her...
João: WHAT?!

Rubi shows him the video and João is speechless.
João: Look, I can explain-
Rubi: All I want to know...and answer it honestly...is that video recent...?
João: No! It was before I met you!
Rubi: Are you sure about that...?
João: Yes...I'm sure of it...

He's sincere; the look in his eyes showed him that he isn't lying.
João: It was before I met you...I swear on my life babe...
Rubi: I'm tired of this bitch already...
João: I know I know...But I promise that we'll be fine...don't let her get to you...please...
Rubi: It's so hard...it's hard when a crazy woman tries everything in her power to break us apart! Now I know how Leilah felt...she told me what she has done to her and to stay on my guard at all times...
João: Then listen to her...Listen to Leilah...

He held her hand and kissed it; João didn't want to lose her over a stupid video that was taken a long time ago.
João: I promise you that you're the only one I love...I never felt more happier than with you...I'm serious Rubi...You bring me joy and happiness...You bring me the stability that I need...
Rubi: But the video-
João: Screw the video, I regret letting her record it...It was one of those days where I was I didn't open my eyes earlier...You're the only one...

"The only one" She heard that phrase while watching the video.
Rubi: You said that to Magui...
João: A long time ago, fuck the past baby...the future is you and me...I'm ready to share my life with you! I swear on my life that the things you make me feel are incomparable! Rubi, every time I look at you, I see a gorgeous woman...I do...And I know that recently you felt down about yourself but I can tell you that you're 100% perfect in my eyes...

João is pouring his heart out to her and Rubi fights her tears; since the return of Magui, she felt a bit self-critical about everything she does. Even if she stood up against her, she feels a bit inferior to Magui when it comes to physical appearance. Of course, Magui has a whole modelling career but Rubi believes she needs to look a certain way for him.
João: You don't have to change a thing from who you are...I don't care if you have a 900$ outfit or can be photogenic, I want the authentic you...The one that makes you, you...I've noticed how uncomfortable she makes you and I don't want you to change your habits, I love you just the way you are...

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