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The group chat is really peer pressuring me 😟 @lainezparoamae for the idea 🤭

London, United Kingdom

João wakes up from his sleep as he gets ready for his training session with Chelsea. His phone buzzes and he sees Leilah's name come up on the screen.
João: Hey Leilah, what's up?
Leilah: Are you home?
João: Yeah but I'm about to go to training. Why?
Leilah: I'm in London with Milán, is it okay if we come over?
João: Of course! Where are you at right now?
Leilah: At the airport, we just arrived.
João: Okay, I'm on my way.

He hangs up and drives towards the airport. He helps her put her suitcase in the car and put Milán in his seat. During the call ride, João notices how oddly quiet she is.
João: Why so many suitcases? Are you okay?
Leilah: Holiday trip.
João: Without Kevin?
Leilah: Yes.
João: Leilah, tell me, you know I won't judge you.
Leilah: Me and Kevin...It's not working out...
João: Really? But when you guys are taking pictures it seems that everything is well!
Leilah: It's just an act...I was tired of it...So I ran off with Milán...
João: Why couldn't you just live with another house and co-parent that way?

She explained the whole situation and even told him how possesive he was towards her. João is completely stunned to hear all those things.
João: That asshole...

His grip on the steering wheel got tighter.
João: He doesn't deserve you...You did good to leave...Are you two hungry? I can make a stop a nice waffle place if you want.
Leilah: Sure, I think that Milán is quite hungry.
João: Alright, we can dine inside or you want takeout?
Leilah: Takeout please, no one should know that I'm here.
João: Okay let's go.

He drives to the waffle place and he goes inside to order. Of course, some people knew who he was and asked him to take pictures but he was quite quick to come back with the food.
João: I do have to go to training, do you want to come with me or do you want me to drop you off at my place?
Leilah: Drop me off so I can unpack our stuff.

He nods and they head back to his place. He helps her once again to put the suitcases down and shows her their room.
João: Make yourself at home, I'll be back soon.

He leaves for practice and she unpacks everything. Leilah barley checked on her phone and she notices the amounts of calls missed by Kevin and his voicemails. She decides to listen to all his voicemails while she puts the clothes in the right place.

"Hey Leilah, I don't know where you are right now but please come back home...Please...I'm sorry...I went to get you a gift for your birthday and then I got attacked by a group of people while I was coming home...it hurts a lot...Now that I don't see you here, the house feels empty...I apologize...I really hope you're gonna hear the voice message..." One voicemail said.

"Leilah...Por favor...I'm the father of Milán...You can't keep him away like this...Let's have a talk, I beg you...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry babe...Answer my calls...Can I at least know that you two are safe...?" The second voicemail said.

She listened to over 20 voicemails that lasted at least 5 minutes each; the more it kept going, the more broken he sounded until she listens to the very last voice message.

"Amor, lo siento....Por favor...Come home...I miss you...I miss Milán...I miss us...I'm sorry for the way that I treated...I was shit...I was scared...I just didn't want to lose our family if you left...Let's talk...I promise I'll change...I'll be different! Leilah, I'll give you the world...I will prove it to you...Come home...I need you...I really do...I'll do whatever you want...I promise....I promise baby...I love you...I was afraid that you'd leave...I was afraid that if I confess, that you'd reject me! Por favor...mi amor....baby...I can't live without you...At least I wanna know if you two are okay...I just want to hear your voice..." His voice was low and shaky all around; it made her cry.

Toxic ~ Kevin Alvarez & João FélixWhere stories live. Discover now