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Can't believe i'm watching the game through a TikTok live stream 😭

Kevin is spending every second possible with Milán and Leilah looks at them having fun.

Just like the good old times.

Where everyone felt happy and they had a bright future together.

But now it's gone, that hope is possibly gone.

While Kevin keeps his focus on his son, he  goes to greet the other players.
Diego: Aayyy!! Leilah! It's been long!
Leilah: Yeah it was! How are you?
Diego: I'm good and you?? You gotta tell me what's up with your life! You can't let your bestie hanging like that! Sit!

She sits down next to him and explains everything that happened.
Diego: You did a good decision, being single will help you resource yourself and become stronger if ever you seek another relationship later.
Leilah: Yeah I really need to stop dating for now...I did spend a great time with João but I don't think that's what I really want...Plus, it'll be hard to co-parent if I live in London and Kevin is in Pachuca.
Diego: Have you told João that?
Leilah: No not yet, I'll tell him. I think he'll understand.
Diego: So all your decisions right now is for Milán isn't it?
Leilah: Yes of course, for Milán. He deserves a great life...
Diego: He does, but how about you? You also deserve to live a great life...
Leilah: I already failed life...
Diego: Don't say that! You accomplished a lot of good stuff! You gave birth to a wonderful child! You made an almost unapproachable Kevin fold for you! You defended your family! Leilah, you're a fucking badass!

She laughs a little at his compliment. She did do some good things but not as much to cover the bad ones.
Leilah: Okay okay enough talking about me, how are you?
Diego: Wweeeellll...
Leilah: Spill the beans Lainez!
Diego: I think that I like men too...

Her eyes went completely wide and then smiles.
Leilah: Aahhh I knew it you were kinda zesty!!
Diego: Since that threesome I just started questioning myself, bros dick was big as hell not gonna lie!
Leilah: And from the way you text AND the way you say "giirrlll" and "bestie"!
Diego: Now that I think of it, I might of been zesty a long time without realizing!

They laugh together and Leilah continues greeting the rest of the players.
Leilah: Memooo!!
Memo: Laylay! It's great to see you! You're beaming!
Leilah: Yeah I'm feeling a bit better!
Memo: And how's the little Milán?
Leilah: He's good, he's with his dad right now.
Memo: That's good to hear, can we have a talk real quick?
Leilah: Sure of course.

They move somewhere away from others and they sit down on their respective chairs.
Leilah: I'm guessing you want to talk about Kevin right?
Memo: Yes, he has asked for my help. He really wants you back, he's lacking concentration during training, he's constantly tired and locking himself in his room. You two mean a lot to him.
Leilah: I won't keep him away from his son, of course not, but having a relationship with him, it's another thing.
Memo: I understand, he hurt you a lot, I'm just here to tell you that Kevin is trying to change for real. So you can be assured that he'll always be in the life of Milán no matter what.
Leilah: That's good to know...
Memo: Would you ever come back to him?

She remains quiet, she doesn't know.
Leilah: I actually don't know Memo, right now, I'm focused on my son and I'll remain single for now.
Memo: It's understandable, Kevin is ready to become a better man for you and Milán, you don't have to be afraid...
Leilah: Facing him in his house was hell...At some point I felt like he was like Alejandro...He was almost acting just like him...but Alejandro was more rougher...
Memo: Yeah I bet, but you're strong, I know you are. With everything you've been through I know this won't pull you down.
Leilah: Thank you Memo.
Memo: You're welcome, if ever you need to talk I'm always there for you.

Toxic ~ Kevin Alvarez & João FélixWhere stories live. Discover now