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Y'all want your car crash? I'll give you your damn car crash😭 I can't believe y'all really want this💀

João landed in Viseu early in the morning and is currently with his family. He's playing football with his brother Hugo while his parents are cooking food.
Hugo: So how is it in Madrid?
João: It's tough, our season was a bit shaky but at least we qualified for Champions league. And you? How is it with Benfica?
Hugo: I feel great out there! Even if I don't get too much playing time I still learn a lot every day!
João: That's good to hear, keep on putting in the hard work and you'll be playing for the biggest clubs!

Their mother calls them to come to eat.
Carla: João, why didn't you bring your girlfriend with you? We would've loved to meet her!
João: Well...she needed to do some work so unfortunately, she couldn't come.

He didn't like lying but he wasn't feeling in the mood to tell his parents that they broke up. They would've told him that all the girlfriends he had in the past are dating him only for his money and he should let them pick out his girlfriend.
Carlos: Can you tell us a bit about her? 
João: She's from Mexico, she works as a reporter for Marca tv and...she's absolutely beautiful...
Carla: What's her name? 
João: Leilah, Leilah Ramirez. 
Carla: Next time you have to bring her okay?
João: Yes mom, of course.

He eats quietly, saying her name did hurt him; because he does miss her a lot. His family understood that his quietness is something unusual for him and they now know something is wrong with him.
Carlos: Is something wrong João?
João: No dad, I'm okay.
Carlos: You're less talkative than usual...we're worried about you...
João: I said I'm okay!
Carla: Is it something that your coach said to you? We heard that you might be transferred to a new club...
João: I am okay!! Stop asking me that!

He finishes eating before everyone else and goes to his room. It was much harder than expected, everywhere he goes he thinks about Leilah even more.
João: Fuck...why won't you get out of my mind...?

He puts his hand on his face and cries. Maybe he should answer her texts? But how to respond? He can't just text her out of the blue like that. His mother knocks on his door and he's quick to wipe his tears.
João: You can come in.
Carla: João...you know you can tell us everything right?
João: I know.
Carla: I know that something is bothering you, it's okay to talk about it. It helps sometimes.
João: I'm not really in the mood to talk about it today.
Carla: That's okay, take your time. I just wanna tell you that we'll be going to Braga soon so you should get ready right now.
João: Sure...

He gets up and puts some of his stuff in his duffel bag. He puts his bag in the car and sits in the backseat. The Félix family is now on the road to Braga without him knowing that he driving closer to Leilah. 2 hours later, they finally arrive and install themselves in their rooms. 
João: Fuck, I wish that I brought my console here, I'll be bored as hell...

Meanwhile, Leilah is all alone in Diego's house; he left for Spain to see Juan Miranda, his friend. She's also incredibly bored and doesn't know what to do in Braga. She takes a look at her latest messages with João to see if he had responded to her texts.

Still on read. 

Leilah decides to do a house tour by herself and see what Diego's house looks like. It's very clean and neat, his trophies are beautifully displayed, there are cute family pictures and she sees the little house for his dog Creed. Diego took Creed with him, he never leaves without him. The backyard is also large and he has a net to practice his shooting.
Leilah: I guess playing a little bit of football won't hurt.

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