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In the morning Leilah and Kevin are lying in bed together, her head on his chest, neck full of hickeys and her legs still not 100%. Kevin is the first to wake up while she sleeps on him. He smiled at her, he enjoyed looking at her sleeping peacefully.
Kevin: You're pretty...

Kevin plays with her hair and kisses her head. Leilah eventually woke up and also smiled because she has Kevin Fucking Alvarez in her bed.
Kevin: Buenos días hermosa...
Leilah: Mmhh...that's new...where did the compliments come from...?
Kevin: I mean it, no bullshit...
Leilah: I like this Kevin then...not the one I used to fight with...
Kevin: Well you got him. Don't you have a show this morning?
Leilah: Oh shit!! Fuck!! You're right! I gotta get ready!!

She quickly gets out of bed but instantly falls to the ground. Her legs forgot their utility since last night.

Kevin couldn't help but laugh his ass out.
Kevin: Oh man I wished I could've recorded that!
Leilah: Shut up and come help me!
Kevin: Yes ma'am! 

He helps her get up and sit at her makeup table. She points him out the outfit that she wants and Kevin also helps her get dressed. Leilah did her best to hide the dark hickeys he placed on her neck.

"I hope that one day, the world can see what I've done to you..." Kevin said in his thoughts.

He puts back the clothes he came with and waited for Leilah to finish her makeup. When that's done she can finally focus on her tv show.
Leilah: Okay, I can easily do it in my room instead of going downstairs. It will give me time to recover...
Kevin: Damn, I fucked you that hard huh? 
Leilah: Yes you did! Next time, dose a little bit on the fucking!

"Next time, fuck me harder so I can end up in a wheelchair" Was her real thought
Kevin: Not guaranteed. 
Leilah: Now go! I need to prepare for the show! Close the door behind you!

He nods and kisses her cheek before leaving. 

Kevin goes to the lobby to ask for a new pass to open his room. Once that's done, he changes into new clothes and goes to eat with the boys
Diego: Ay man! You're late! Where were you?
Kevin: Sorry, I forgot my hotel pass on the bus so I had to go get a new one.
Hirving: Where did you sleep? 
Kevin: Leilah let me sleep in her room.

Everyone went "oouuhhh".
Kevin: It's NOT what it sounds like. 
Memo: Y'all didn't do anything...ya know...
Kevin: We didn't.
Hirving: Diego, since your room is next to Leilah's, did you hear anything? 
Diego: No, I was downstairs with you guys and then when I went to my room, I heard nothing.

Diego lied, he heard everything. Loud and clear. 

Kevin breathes out in relief. 
Kevin: See? Nothing.
Diego: It's crazy, coming from a guy who can't keep his dick in his pants...
Kevin: I beg your pardon?? 

The rest of the team went silent; they knew shits are about to go down.
Diego: What?? I'm just congratulating you for obeying Tata's rules! It is pretty hard to resist such a beautiful girl like Leilah huh? 
Kevin: We did nothing together.
Diego: I know, you said it many times. I find her hot, what do you think? 
Kevin: Mmhh...she is good looking. 
Diego: She is, and I think I'm gonna shoot my shot this weekend...

Kevin's stomach flips; Diego is stealing her from him.
Kevin: You're joking right? 
Diego: No, she's a great person and since no one claims her, then the lane is clear for me. 
Kevin: I don't think she's looking for a relationship.
Diego: Oh yeah? And how do you know? 
Kevin: She told me that last night. So if you don't want your heart to be broken then don't do it. 
Diego: It's worth the try. 

Kevin isn't having it with Diego; is he truly in love with her? 

He questions his own feelings toward Leilah. Is it genuine or is it purely just for sex and pleasure? It has never happened to him to fuck the same girl more than 2 times. The only time it did happen is when he was with Marbella. 

The time when he used to be in love.

Love is now a dangerous thing and he's fighting to escape it. 

He takes his mind off of last night for training. It's a hot sunny day in Doha and the boys took many water breaks to cool down. Leilah came to the training ground and watched the rest of the practice. In the end, Diego walks over to her.
Diego: Hey Leilah, I think I got Kevin more jealous!
Leilah: What? What did you do?? 
Diego: I told him that I was about to confess my love to you this weekend. So now it shouldn't take him long to realize he loves you! 
Leilah: Diego...He's gonna be pissed off!
Diego: Exactly! He told me that you aren't interested in a new relationship and to give up on shooting my shot! See? He's being protective over you!
Leilah: We fucked last night and lemme tell you that I felt like I had no legs today.
Diego: Oh I heard it. You really called him "daddy"??
Leilah: Lower your voice dumbass!

Kevin is looking at them from afar hoping that Diego isn't rizzing her up. 
Leilah: He's looking at us...
Diego: Perfect, let's make him jealous...Are you okay with that? 
Leilah: Sure but nothing crazy okay? 
Diego: Promise. 

He wraps his arm around her which alerted Kevin to walk over to them. 
Kevin: Hey! Did you finish your show? 
Leilah: Yeah! It went well luckily! How was training? 
Kevin: Hot as hell but well! Did you see my goal? 
Leilah: Oh no sorry! I was busy looking at Diego attempting cartwheels! He did it!

"Pinche enano..." He thought in his head.

He didn't like the attention she was giving to Diego instead of him.
Kevin: Oh...That's cool...Uhm...would you like to come to play FIFA with me? In my room? 
Leilah: Sure I'm down. 
Kevin: Great, come on.

He moves Diego's hand away and walks alongside her, placing his hand behind her back. When they arrive in his room, it was clearly not to play FIFA.
Kevin: What the fuck was all that about?? 
Leilah: What are you talking about? 
Kevin: You and Diego! You two are getting closer all of the sudden! 
Leilah: Okay and? 
Kevin: And?? I'm the one who you should be next to! That should be me!
Leilah: Don't we see each other quite often though? Like you were in my bed last night? 
Kevin: Laylay stop playing with me...
Leilah: Kevin, what do you really want from me? Tell me. Do you want a fuck buddy? Am I just your toy to play with? 

There was a big silence in the room. Both of them looked at each other; it was truly a long silence.
Kevin: Leilah I...
Leilah: Tell me, tell me how you feel about me...
Kevin: It's hard for me to be in a relationship...I just can't, I'm still hurt...
Leilah: So hurt that you have to use me to fuck??
Kevin: No! No! Leilah, you're different, you're beautiful, amazing, your smile...gosh, I've never seen such an addicting smile than yours...When we fuck...I feel like in another world, where there's just you and me...looking onto the future...in the future, I want you in it...I want to be able to see you every damn day...I think about you all the time...
Leilah: Tell me exactly what's on your mind...
Kevin: Okay fine! Leilah, I love you! I fucking love you! You're the prettiest woman I've ever seen and I need you! I need you in my life! Fuck Diego! I can do better...I can be a better boyfriend than him...

He steps closer to her, placing his hands on her cheeks. 
Kevin: Give me that chance...Please, I want you...I can't take it anymore, I want to call you mine for real...


✨ FINALLY KEVIN CONFESSES! Will Leilah accept tho? Or should she play around with Diego a bit? Let me know and see y'all in the next chapter!✨

E.M.M.L 😘

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