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Dang, it's midnight here on a school night I'm writing this 🥲 (Memo as the picture????)

Mexico City, Mexico

"You've got everything??" Leilah asked Kevin as he picks up his two duffel bags from the car.
Kevin: Yes babe I checked twice!
Leilah: Okay perfect, Milán, don't you wanna say bye to papá??

He hugs his dad and even kisses his cheek.
Kevin: Aahhh I'm going to miss you too Milán...Be nice to mamá okay?? And if she tells me that you were nice, I'll get you your favourite candy!
Milán: Yeeess!!
Kevin: I'll be back as soon as you know it!
Leilah: See you soon my love...
Kevin: Aawwnn come here!!

He hugs her and swings her around which made her laugh.
Kevin: I'll be back don't worry!
Leilah: I know I know but still!
Kevin: I'll call you I promise! If Milán trains, let me know! I want to see some pictures of my future champion!
Leilah: Of course! Plus, it gives me the chance to make Milán a Real Madrid fan!
Kevin: Oh hell no!
Leilah: Now go so I can teach him Hala Madrid y nada mas!
Kevin: You're lucky that I'm leaving right now but when I get back, I will come with some Barcelona stuff for him!
Leilah: We'll see about that!

He kisses Leilah before getting on the bus with the rest of the team. There was also a car that will accompany them just in case there's an emergency.
Kevin: Aahh Luis! Ready to do some camping??
Luis: Bro what if we get lost in the woods?? Where do we shower?? Do we have enough food??
Kevin: Relax! The showering could be a challenge but I believe we have everything we need plus the whole team is here! We're gonna be entertained!
Luis: I don't know if I'll be able to sleep in the woods like this!
Kevin: It is a little bit scary but we're gonna be fine! They told us that the place is totally safe! You've got your speaker right?
Luis: Yeah, I do.
Kevin: Then play it while you sleep! Then you won't be worrying about what's going on in the outdoors!
Luis: That's a good idea, thank you.
Kevin: You're welcome!

Kevin is in high spirits; he spent an amazing honeymoon and now he's going on a camping trip with the national team. His teammates notice how happy he is which is a complete 180 from how he was during the World Cup; Leilah really did everything to make him change. Memo is the last one to get in the bus and introduces a new member of the team.
Memo: Alright everyone, give a warm welcome to our new technical assistant coach, Cecilia Vela! 
Cecilia: Yes, I'm his little sister. See Memo?? I told you not to say my full name! 
Memo: Aahh they would catch on to it anyways! Welcome to the team! You'll love it here! 

Everyone else welcomes her as they drive to their camping destination which is 2-3 hours away. To pass time, Kevin watches Netflix quietly while others do karaoke. 

Meanwhile, the ladies are at Michele's home to keep themselves company while their partners are in the woods. 
Leilah: I hope that they don't turn crazy when they'll be out there!
Selena: It's gonna turn into a whole survival game for sure!
Michele: They got this! They're grown men, they can make it out in 3 days! 
Leilah: When are you expecting your babies Michele? Because it's like you're very close to giving birth! 
Michele: It should be soon like VERY soon! The kicking is crazy though! Having twins in my belly is surely a challenge! 
Alejandra: Must be hard indeed, I'm the only one here who hasn't experienced pregnancy! 
Lainey: It's my first one and shiiii it's starting to become a pain in the ass!
Selena: I have some crazzyyyy cravings! You've got any pickles? 
Michele: I do, it's in the fridge. 
Selena: Thank you! 

Toxic ~ Kevin AlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now