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Memo: Okay, speak. 

Kevin is laying down on Memo's couch while he's sitting down on an armchair wearing glasses and has a notebook.
Kevin: Well Uhm...I have an addiction...
Memo: To what exactly? Drugs? Alcohol? Bad Bunny music? 
Kevin: Although Bad Bunny makes great music, I'm addicted to Leilah...I've done things that I shouldn't have and now she's with another man...

Memo writes it down in his notebook, thinking like he's a real therapist. 
Memo: On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being extremely down bad for her, how addicted do you think you are? 
Kevin: 100. 

"gawdayum" Memo said whispering to himself.
Memo: That's a big number. 
Kevin: Yeah, but what I did to her in Madrid, I regret it, I feel bad...I truly hurt her that day...
Memo: What happened in Madrid? 
Kevin: I lured her into a suite and fucked her. She thought I was João all along but it was me and I sent the tape to João. I believe he got mad at her because she came to my place fuming and punched me in the jaw...Her punch felt as if I was hit by Mike Tyson! 

Memo held his laugh while Kevin continued talking.
Kevin: I told her that I was sorry for what I did to her and she screamed at me. I never saw her this angry before and it was scary...It made me realize how much I fucked up and I apologized to her...Of course, she didn't accept those apologies and she said she never wants to see me again...It broke my heart, it really did...

He wipes his tears.
Kevin: I told her that I want one more kiss from her before I let her go and she agreed...Gosh...That kiss...That moment...Memo, I felt weak and broken at the same time...I still remember how her lips felt against mine...I had tears in my eyes...I didn't want to let her go...But I did...and then she walked out the door...
Memo: I can see it really made an impact on you, did you try to contact her afterwards? 
Kevin: No, until she had her car accident...I was super worried for her and I sent out flowers and chocolate for her with a note...I wished her a speedy recovery and told her that she can call me whenever she needs to talk to someone...I didn't hear anything back from her though...She maybe threw them away...
Memo: No no don't say that! Maybe she's still shaken up about the accident that she wants to wait until she's fit to talk to you! 
Kevin: I really need help Memo...

He grabs a tissue to blow his nose.
Memo: And what specifically do you need help with? 
Kevin: To forget about Leilah...

Meanwhile, in Braga, Leilah is already back at Diego's house. The Félix family was quick to call an Uber to make her leave at 7 am when she was half asleep.

João wasn't aware that she left until he woke up and didn't see her on the couch. 
João: Where did she go? 
Carla: She left to whatever she lives at right now.
João: Mom why did you let her leave on her own?! She's injured! 
Carla: That'll teach you a lesson to stop being with crazy girlfriends! Me and your father have found the perfect girl for you and you'll meet her tonight!
João: I am not doing that shit! I rather stay single than let you two choose my girlfriend!
Carlos: You're going to meet her João, even if you like it or not! She's coming over for lunch so look presentable! Your hair is all over the place! 
João: Fucking hell I can't believe I even came here for vacation...

He rolls his eyes and makes his own breakfast. João grabs his phone and texts Leilah.

"Hey, I hope that you're home safely." He wrote.

"Yes I am, I got woken up in my sleep but I'm okay, I'm probably gonna take a nap." She responded. 

"Okay cool." He replies and closes his phone.

Toxic ~ Kevin Alvarez & João FélixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora