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Grab your tissues. 

An opened condom packet.

In the backseat of their car.

Leilah is completely stunned at her finding. She thought that her suspicion was crazy but now it's confirmed; Kevin cheated on her. She walks back to the others and acted like nothing happened. Looking at Kevin is now different; she used to look at him with heart eyes but now it's hard to believe that he cheated after they recently got married.
João: Alright we'll let you two have your dinner. We'll stay in contact alright?
Kevin: Of course, see you tomorrow and take care Rubi, okay?
Rubi: Yeah I will, see you tomorrow.

They say goodbye and they both get in the car. Leilah drives quietly home and Kevin is in a happy mood. Little did he know that she found out his secret. Leilah brings Milán to the playroom and turns on the walkie just in case he starts shouting; she wants to confront Kevin right now. He was in the bedroom trying to pick out an outfit.
Kevin: Okay so what I should wear? You haven't told me which restaurant we're going to! 
Leilah: We're not going anywhere. 
Kevin: What do you mean by that? 
Leilah: I have other plans. Come. 

She leads him outside to the car.
Leilah: I'm giving you one more chance to tell me the truth.
Kevin: What are you talking about? 
Leilah: You and Cecilia...Tell me...
Kevin: I've told you so many times that we didn't do anything! 
Leilah: Are you sure...? 
Kevin: Yes! I am sure! 

Leilah had tears running down her cheeks and opened the car door to pull out the condom packet. 
Leilah: And this...? How do you explain it? We don't use a condom...
Kevin: I-I don't know how it got there- 
Leilah: So you fucked her...
Kevin: I genuinely don't remember-
Leilah: How do you not remember who you fuck?! After everything we've been through you still haven't learned?! At first, I thought when I gave birth to Milán you'd change! I was wrong but I gave you a chance! When we got married, I thought you'd change again! And guess what? You didn't! So I highly doubt you'll do when our second baby is born!

Kevin's mouth drops; Leilah is in fact pregnant once again. 
Kevin: You're...
Leilah: Yes, I'm pregnant. I found out yesterday and that's why I wanted us to go to a restaurant; so I can announce it. But you know what? I don't feel like keeping the baby anymore...
Kevin: No no no!! Babe don't do it!
Leilah: And you STILL have the audacity to call me babe! Wow...

It was hard for her to face him because she loves that man so much. Kevin brought her joy when no one loved her as she deserved but now this is like a knife to the heart. 
Leilah: What does she has that I don't? Huh? Is it because her body looks like mine but her personality is sunshine and rainbows?! Is it because she hasn't gone through a toxic relationship so she can let things slide?! Kevin, what have I done to you to deserve this?! 
Kevin: You did nothing! I don't remember any of this! I roughly remember yesterday!
Leilah: Find better excuses. Is there anything else I should know before I find out myself?! 
Kevin: There was a moment where...I thought about her...after we had sex...

There was a huge silence; Leilah wants to cry all the tears from her body but wants to stand strong at the same time. 
Leilah: We have suffered together...we've h-hurt each other...a-and you're not done doing so?! Does your f-family and wife don't matter to you?! 
Kevin: They do! Leilah you matter to me and so does Milán! 
Leilah: I-I can't trust you anymore...
Kevin: I can make things right! I promise-
Leilah: Fuck your promises! I hate promises! I told you that since the very first days of our relationship!
Kevin: Please...I love you...
Leilah: And this is what you do to love me?!

Toxic ~ Kevin Alvarez & João FélixWhere stories live. Discover now