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Okay, enough sad shit.

The eye contact is deep. Kevin and Leilah are looking deep into each other's eyes while their hands are interlocked around her belly.
Leilah: Stay with me Kevin...
Kevin: I don't know...
Leilah: This little boy wants you too...You said you wanted a boy right? I'll name him after you...
Kevin: That's João's baby... you can't name him after me...
Leilah: Okay then, what name would you call him?
Kevin: Leilah I can't do that-
Leilah: You can name him...
Kevin: Milán...I like that name...You know, I actually wanna go to Milan one day...
Leilah: I'll name him Milán then, just for you...

He smiles while she wipes his tears.
Leilah: We'll go to Milan...you and me...let's even go now if you want...Get out of this place and go to Italy...We could make great memories...We can still make it work...

Kevin really wants Leilah; he loves her so much but to have another man's baby, he's uncertain. Leilah is in fact his source of happiness; maybe he can fight through the fact that the child isn't his. He can do it for her and for his happiness.

Their heads got closer, their lips are just a fraction away from touching.
Kevin: I'll give it a try...Just because I love you...

They go for a soft and tender kiss; his hands travel down to her hips and hers on his cheeks. They're both smiling during the kiss and even when they pull away. 
Leilah: Stay for the night...
Kevin: João is okay with this? 
Leilah: Yes, he knows that I'm in love with you. I'm living with him so it's easier to monitor the pregnancy. We both agreed to be good friends and parents, nothing more. 
Kevin: So...I can call you mine...? 
Leilah: Of course you can...

He smiles and kisses her again. 
Kevin: I'll go get cleaned up, I look like a mess. 
Leilah: The bathroom is just in here. You can ours. 
Kevin: Do you sleep with João? 
Leilah: I do, just he can be close in case something happens. He'll hear it instantly. Now got get cleaned up. 

He nods and she takes down the rope he attached. Luckily, she came just in time to save him or else things would've been worse. She waits for him to come out of the bathroom and they both join the party. João asked her where she was and explained the situation without telling him that Kevin almost ended his life in their bedroom.
Leilah: He's gonna stay over tonight, is that okay? 
João: Sure, he can stay. 
Leilah: Thanks. 

João smiles; he's happy to see Leilah feeling relieved because all this time she's been under constant stress. Having Kevin over can help her fight it. He walks over to Kevin and pulls him aside. 
João: Okay, we need to pull our feud aside,  for the sake of Leilah and the baby. 
Kevin: Sure...
João: I see that she's calmer with you and it's perfect. She needs to feel relaxed during the whole pregnancy. So I have a deal: You can take her back to Mexico with you and you communicate with me how she is doing while I got to the appointments and send you the doctor's recommendations. Once she hits 9 months, come to Madrid. 
Kevin: Sounds like a good deal...
João: So, are you down? 
Kevin: I'm down. 

They shake hands and they go back to the party. Kevin approaches Marbella who tries to kiss him but he dodges it. 
Kevin: Mabella, we need to talk.

He pulls her aside and coldly breaks up with her. Kevin didn't let her convince him; he was 100% committed to Leilah and she was the last obstacle in his way. Marbella left the house upset while Kevin makes his move on Leilah by hugging her from behind. 
Leilah: Oh I know who it is...
Kevin: I broke up with Marbella, now it's you and me.

Toxic ~ Kevin Alvarez & João FélixWhere stories live. Discover now