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Diego exclaimed jumping up and down her bed. 
Diego: How big was it?! 
Leilah: Diego! Why do you want to know that??
Diego: Research purposes. 
Leilah: Gosh, you're unbelievable! 
Diego: And that's why you love me! 

They laugh out loud as he takes the bowl of Cheetos from her to eat and listen to her story. 
Leilah: And when he speaks Portuguese...Oh my goodness...Like it's purring down there! If it wasn't because I'm on my period I would let him break my spine! 
Diego: Damn girl you're down bad for him! So would I honestly! He's giving big dick energy for sure!
Leilah: Oh he does, he really does! 
Diego: Ssoooo...What do you do about Kevin? 

She deeply sighs as she takes a sip of her pineapple juice. 
Leilah: I saw him kiss Julietta when I arrived and he had the audacity to be mad at me for spending the night with João. There's something about João that I love that Kevin is lacking...João is sweeter, he respects me...Kevin...what is good about him was the sex...He's so captivating...It's like poison but you can't stop taking it because it hurts so good...
Diego: Girl you should drop Kevin. Until he knows not to treat women like sex toys, you should stay with João. It'll teach him a lesson. 
Leilah: You're right, I'll consider it. Right now I have to get ready for my tv show,
Diego: You better hide the living fuck out of your hickeys cuz damn, he really made sure that it's VERY visible! 
Leilah: Shit! Okay, no worries, I can cover it up! 
Diego: I'll let you to it! Good luck! 

He blows a kiss at her before leaving her room. She changes into an appropriate outfit and while doing her makeup, João calls her via Instagram; they didn't exchange numbers yet. 
Leilah: Hey João! You're back safely? 
João: Yes I am! And you? Is everything okay? 
Leilah: Yup! Just Kevin being pissed off but I don't care. 
João: He deserves it. You shouldn't be treated like shit by a man like him. 
Leilah: Yeah, unfortunately, I like that man...
João: And what about me...? 

She looks at her screen, João is laying down on his bed waiting for her answer. 
Leilah: You're the definition of a perfect man...
João: Would you be down if I take you out today? 

She smiles brightly at the idea. 
Leilah: Where to? 
João: I heard there's a pretty restaurant around here, we could go there if you want. 
Leilah: Sounds good, 6 pm? 
João: 6 pm it is. I'll pick you up. 
Leilah: Perfect! See you later!

They hung up and she was ready to start her show. Luckily, nobody knows about her little hookup so everything ran smoothly. Once she's done, she revises her new notes and then joins the team who are playing FIFA.
Memo: Hey Laylay! Can I talk to you for a second? 
Leilah: Sure what's up? 
Memo: Look, we know what's going on between the two of you...And Kevin is spiralling out of control now...Can't you talk to him? 
Leilah: It's a him problem, not mine. 
Memo: He's drinking left and right! We're in the round of 16 and we need everyone to be focused! It's no joke playing France! 
Leilah: He can simply call Julietta or Marbella, I'm not the only girl in his life. Sorry Memo. Plus, he hates me.

Kevin is sitting alone on a couch looking at her talk with Memo. He thinks about the way João touched her, how much she liked it, the hickeys that she had this morning, and the fact that she was wearing João's clothes. It hurt him way worse than he wants to admit. Fucking Julietta wasn't worth it, he did it by pure anger; the same anger that caught up to him when he broke up with Marbella. 

"You'll come back to me..." He said in his thoughts. 

He didn't want her to leave.

Leilah on the other hand explains to Diego that she's going on a date with João and Kevin heard them. 

Toxic ~ Kevin AlvarezKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat