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Kevin finally arrived in Madrid the next day and goes to his rented house. He was ready to stay here as long as possible just to get Leilah back. He looks through her Instagram to see if she has posted anything on her story. Kevin looks through her pictures once again to have an idea of where their house could possibly be. It was much harder than he thought; either they are living close to the stadium or away from it, he didn't know. He decides to explore the city and hope he'd see her in his path.

While João went to a friend's house, Leilah facetimes Diego.
Diego: He WHAT?!?! HOW DID HE CALL YOU?!?!
Leilah: I don't know! But he misses me a lot...His voice sounded broken at times...
Leilah: No no! Of course not! I'm done with him. With João, everything seems so good...
Diego: EXACTLY!! So don't throw that away!
Leilah: But Kevin...
Diego: Drop. Him.

Since the phone call with Kevin, Leilah has been questioning on how he's been. If he's been holding on since the breakup. All she knew is that his time with Pachuca has been ups and downs.
Leilah: What if he's in bad shape...?
Diego: That's a him problem, not yours! He's acting!
Leilah: You think so?
Diego: Yes!! Girl, you're way better than him! You deserve better than Kevin and João is the perfect man for you!
Leilah: You've got a point, thank you.
Diego: I'm always right! Don't you have to join João at a café in 30 minutes!
Leilah: Shit you're right! I'm gonna go get ready! I'll text you later!
Diego: Have fun babes!

She hangs up and changes to go out. It's a sunny day in Madrid so she decided to walk there. A couple of fans stopped her in her tracks to ask for pictures and she did. Once she arrives at the café, João wasn't there yet, he texted her that he was on his way in 10 minutes.

 Leilah took the time to look through her social media when a man opened the door of the small café. She thought it was João but who she saw shocked her: It was Kevin.
Leilah: No Leilah, I'm tripping...It's probably a lookalike.

The man in question had the exact same tattoos as Kevin. He looks at her and walks towards her.
Leilah: Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck-
Kevin: Leilah baby! I finally found you!

He sits down in front of her with the biggest smile on his face.
Leilah: How the hell did you find me?!?!
Kevin: With a little bit of luck! I thought it would take me days to find you!
Leilah: What are you doing here?! Didn't I make it clear on the phone call that I don't want to see you?!
Kevin: Stop lying to yourself Leilah, you still love me...

The common line of exes, toxic exes. 
Leilah: No I don't, please go home.
Kevin: Playing hard to get again? It's okay, I know how to play that game, I won last time.
Leilah: Not this time. I'm in love with João, he treats me much better than you! 
Kevin: You didn't even give me the chance to take you out on a date!
Leilah: Even if I said yes, you would've still acted like an asshole! You never keep your dick in your pants!
Kevin: Baby, I'm a changed man, please...

His calm voice comes through, it has a lot of sincerity.
Leilah: First off, don't call me baby and second off, I heard this shit so many times...I believed it before and hit my heart broken up even harder. I'm not falling for you...

He grabs her hand and she instantly moves it away.
Kevin: You see this...?

He points at his wrist which is a new tattoo he got.
Leilah: Yeah, it's just a random day.
Kevin: It's not just any random day, November 30th 2022...that day I was at my happiest...I scored my first World Cup goal to save Mexico, and not only that, I got to kiss the most beautiful woman in the world in front of everyone...that woman was so proud of me...she had stars in her eyes when she saw me...and I felt so special, so happy...

Toxic ~ Kevin Alvarez & João FélixWhere stories live. Discover now