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The three of them are now in the hospital. Leilah is getting her wound treated while Kevin and João wait outside.
Kevin: This is all your fucking fault!
João: It's fucking Magui's I didn't know she was here!!
Kevin: You should've broken up with her a long ass time ago!! Now you see?! She's in the hospital because of you! Even the car accident
is your fault! You don't want to admit that shit!
João: I was doing great with her until you decided to come to Madrid!
Kevin: Okay?? And then she tried everything to be back with you! But you still miss your fucking ex!! I had a girlfriend that cheated on me badly but I don't want to be with her now! Do fucking better! You know what, the police are here right now so I'm gonna fucking make sure that Magui gets caught and goes to jail! If you really love Leilah you would do that!

Kevin is about to head inside when João grabs his arm.
João: We'll go in there together okay??

He moves his arm away and they both go to the police officer to explain the situation. They put more officers on track of Magui to try to find her.
Kevin: Dumbass! You shouldn't have let her leave!
João: She left by herself! And I cared more about Leilah's health than keeping Magui here!
Kevin: Pendejo...

He rolls his eyes and They wait on the doctor to give them news about Leilah. The tension between the two rise higher when Kevin purposely bumps into João when he's walking to get water. João pushes him back in response and the two of them exchange nasty words about each other.
João: Oh yeah?! It will be a matter of time before she realizes that she chose the wrong guy!
Kevin: Go fuck your Magui will ya?! Leave me and Leilah alone!
João: You two won't even last long...
Kevin: I'll invite you to our wedding and you'll see that we're gonna last forever...

The doctor allows them to see Leilah. When the door opens, Leilah tries her best to sit up but cannot.
Kevin: Hey...Relax, it's all good...

He sits next to her and João sits on the other side.
Leilah: Fuck this hurts like a bitch...
João: You got this...you're strong...
Kevin: I'm here for you...
Leilah: I just want to go home...
Kevin: I'll take you home okay...? Once you feel a bit better...
João: You can come to Madrid with me, you do have to come back for work...

Once again, they give each other dirty looks but don't want to fight in front of her.
Leilah: I do need to go back to work soon...
João: Then you can come home with me...Your real home...

Kevin's phone buzzes and he takes a look at it.
Kevin: Leilah you can go to Madrid.
Leilah: Mmh...? But you won't be there...
Kevin: I will! Because our preseason matches is in Madrid!

João's eyes widened at the news; he thought he would've had Leilah all for himself out there.
Leilah: That's great news...When will you be leaving?
Kevin: Same day as you, we'll take the flight together.
João: You can take it with me, it'll be much quicker! It's a private jet!
Leilah: I can make my own decisions...João, can I talk to you alone?

Kevin was clearly pissed off at João who is trying so hard to change her mind. Leilah signs Kevin that she's gonna be okay.
Kevin: I'll be at the door if you need anything...

He walks out of the room leaving Leilah and João alone.
João: So...you really fell in love with him again...
Leilah: He changed...he's much sweeter...
João: But I've always been sweet to you...
Leilah: I know but...
João: But Magui huh...?
Leilah: Yeah...
João: I'm done with her! I promise! She went too far!
Leilah: João...You know, when we first met, it was supposed to be a simple hookup so I can get Kevin pissed off...and then it got more than that...

Toxic ~ Kevin Alvarez & João FélixWhere stories live. Discover now