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@ilovefinemennn Thank you for this chapter idea🤭❤️
Kevin is very excited to bring Leilah on a date. He's been waiting for that opportunity for so long and wants everything to be perfect. He had a big smile on his face when he looks over what he has planned for Leilah.
Leilah: Heeyyy! What are you looking at??
Kevin: No peeking! It's a surprise!
Leilah: Come onnn!! I want to know!
Kevin: You're gonna wait and see!
Leilah: Finnneee!!

He laughs and puts his notebook away so she doesn't see the list of things he wants to do with her.

João is devasted to not have Leilah by his side. He understood that he fucked up really badly. Magui came over to his place and they started arguing.
Magui: Wooowww...you've gone soft haven't you?
João: No, now I've opened my eyes to your bullshit, you never loved me for who I am...You never did...

He had tears in his eyes and his voice was shaking; he had to finally let go of this toxic environment that he's been living in for so long.
João: Get out of my life...completely...
Magui: You said that last time and you crawled back to me...
João: Now I'm serious...You ruined my opportunity to be with someone who actually values me!
Magui: I value you João! I do! Look how quickly she dropped you for a shitter guy! She used you!
João: YOU used ME!! If you didn't decide to wreck my happiness I would be with her right now!

She takes a step closer to him and he takes a step back; his tears became heavier. João barely had any sleep; he misses Leilah very much.

2 am the night before

João is laying on his bed but hasn't closed his eyes yet and he's not playing on doing so because he doesn't have his real girlfriend next to him. He feels like shit for letting Magui take over his life again instead of following his heart.
João: Why aren't you here with me Leilah...? Why...? You should be on your way home...

He holds onto the pillow and cries some more.
João: I'm done with Magui...it's over...I'm never letting her enter my life again...I don't want to lose Leilah...she means a lot to me...

He rethinks about every decision he took; he had everything to keep her next to him. He could've had it all if he'd just said no to Magui.

Present time

João: I don't want you near me ever again! Got it?! Or else I'm filing a restraining order!!
Magui: João I'm sorry! We haven't even done something that bad! We just kissed that's all!
João: And that's too much! Leave this house!
Magui: You'll regret it once again João...

She walks away and leaves the house. João sighs in relief and drinks his coffee to stay awake. He sees on Leilah's Instagram story that she's in Pachuca which clearly means she's with Kevin.
João: If I want here back then I have to go there...I have no choice...

He goes to his room and packs up the essentials for his trip to Mexico.

Back in Pachuca, Kevin is on the move almost all the time and making phone calls to make sure that everything is set up. Leilah watches him scramble on his papers and search on the internet and laughs.
Leilah: Kevin loosen up a bit!
Kevin: But I want this date so good that you'd want to stay with me forever!

She smiles, he's truly dedicated to her and that's what she's always been looking for in a man.
Leilah: But still, take some time to relax okay?
Kevin: Yes ma'am!

Toxic ~ Kevin AlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now