Head over Heels

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"You sure you don't want me to pay for some of this?" Nikolai asked as the waitress placed a glass of water and a large Americano on our table along with a chocolate croissant, spicy tofu scramble, roasted potatoes and a slice of cinnamon pie.

I shook my head and replied, "No, I've got it." The waitress left and Nikolai looked at me and said, "Positive? Because it occurs to me that I may have gone a little overboard." He picked up his coffee and mumbled, "I probably shouldn't have smoked that bowl at the library."

I chuckled and said, "The weed has nothing to do with it. I... I took more from you than I should have. It makes a human body crave carbs to try and replenish its energy stores. Dehydration can also be an issue so you should probably drink this." I pushed the glass of water towards him.

"I thought that was for you," he mumbled around a mouthful of croissant.

"We can share," I replied, and he smiled swallowing what was in his mouth before taking a drink of coffee. He looked at it in surprise and said, "Wow, this is really good." He glanced around at the cozy little café and asked, "How'd you even find this place? It's like beyond underground."

"I've lived in this city for a long time, Nikolai. There aren't many parts of it that I am unfamiliar with," I replied.

"How long?" he inquired taking a drink of water and scooping up a bit of tofu and potato. I shrugged and said, "About sixty years give or take." He nearly choked on his food. He took another hasty drink of water and swallowed hard before asking, "Exactly how old are you?"

I raised an eyebrow at him and said, "Don't you know you're not supposed to ask that question."

"That's just women," he retorted. I sighed and said, "I turned two-hundred and seventeen this past November." He stared at me in surprised silence before looking down at his food and mumbling, "Octavia mentioned you were older than you looked but she never said how much older."

"Is it weird for you?" I asked feeling suddenly self-conscious. Nikolai ripped a chunk off his croissant and stuffed it in his mouth saying, "Being in love with a man who's a hundred and ninety-two years older than me? What could possibly be weird about that?" I stared at him in shock for nearly a minute before saying, "You're not in love with me, Nikolai. You don't even know me."

"I don't need to know you to know that you deserve to be loved...to be in love. And please, call me Niki, you did just suck out my lifeforce after all," he replied, and I felt tears suddenly burning in my throat. He set down his fork and swallowed hard gripping the edge of the table with his fingertips.

"So, this place is really nice. Do you come here often?" he asked his voice tight with the threat of tears. I laughed nervously realizing that it was my fault he was on the verge of crying, and I replied, "I used to. Not so much now. I don't really get the time." He blinked several times, swallowing tears and glanced around once more taking in the bookcases filled with books and bedecked with potted plants, the bare brick and shimmering skylights overhead, the cozy couches and small rickety tables and he smiled.

"It feels like you," he finally said, and I gladly took the compliment. He ate for several minutes in silence before setting down his fork and taking a long drink of coffee. He then looked at me and asked, "So, this guy you're dating--" I cut him off with a sigh and he raised his hands saying, "I know you don't want to talk about it but hear me out." I glanced at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

"What's he like?" Niki asked and I replied, "He's a two-thousand-year-old ice elemental from the Himalayas that sustains himself by feeding on the warmth of living beings." Niki blinked and said, "Well, that makes me feel better about you being only two-hundred and seventeen." I laughed quietly and he smiled.

"However, you didn't answer my question. I asked what he was like not what he was." I watched him for a few seconds before saying, "He's complicated."

"Elaborate," Niki said stabbing at his slice of pie. I sighed and thought for a moment.

"He's like grey ice. He looks strong and cold and hard, but really, he's fragile and filled with slush underneath," I said a small smile bending my lips. Niki sighed and leaned back in his seat muttering, "Shit."

"What?" I asked and he shook his head saying, "You're in love with him. Like full on head over heels in love."

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