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"Alright. Let's go over the plan one more time," I said as I walked Octavia up towards the front entrance of the high school on Monday morning. She sighed dramatically and signed, "We've been over it a hundred times, Chase. I'm going to pop into the guidance office and make an appointment with my counselor for some time today."

"Right," I nodded, and she continued, "I'm going to tell that while Charlotte and my cousins have been very kind, I don't feel safe living in their neighborhood. I'll tell him about the person handing out pamphlets for the Iron Lance. I still have the picture I sent you on my phone. I'll show him. I'll tell him about the little punks who were arrested for committing a hate crime."

"Good," I said as we stopped by the front door. Octavia smiled and signed, "I'll tell him I have a good friend willing to put me up for as long as I need. Someone who lives in my old apartment building which feels very safe and familiar." I smiled back at her then cleared my throat and said, "You'll ask him if he can help you get emancipated."

Octavia nodded and signed, "Yes. I'll also tell him that you're taking the course to become a foster parent and that if it comes down to it, I'd rather be put in foster care than go back to Watermill."

I considered her for a long moment before reaching out to touch her shoulder and saying, "I'm really sorry to put you through all of this, Octavia." She grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze signing, "You aren't putting me through anything, Chase. I don't belong in Watermill. I belong with you and Sissy, and I know you wouldn't do any of this unless you were genuinely concerned for my safety."

I felt tears burning behind my eyes and I scoffed grabbing her arm and muttering, "Come here." I pulled her into a hug, arms tangling awkwardly around her backpack. I hugged her tight and kissed her on the cheek whispering, "I love you, Octavia." She nuzzled my cheek and hummed happily.

As I was pulling away, I heard a shrill squeal. Octavia and I turned to see Tawnie rushing towards us. She looked back and forth between us, a manic grin on her face and she asked, "OMG, Octavia, is this the guy? He's cute! He's-" Her face suddenly warped with recognition, and she said, "Wait a minute. Aren't you the guy who poured coffee on my head?"

I laughed nervously and replied, "Yeah, sorry about that." She shook her head and smiled saying, "Don't be. I totally had it coming. I was feeling particularly insecure that day and I was taking it out of Octavia. I deserved it."

I blinked and glanced at Octavia who smirked. I looked back at Tawnie and replied, "Uh, cool. That's very big of you." She nodded cheerfully and said, "I'm working on it." I shuffled my feet awkwardly before saying, "Thanks for covering for Octavia this weekend. We really appreciate it."

Tawnie smiled and said, "No problem." She looked between the two of us and added, "I trust the lie was worth it." She waggled her blonde eyebrows suggestively and I felt warmth concentrate in my face. I stammered a few monosyllables before Tawnie burst out laughing.

"Oh, he's a total cinnamon roll, Octavia!" she exclaimed, "Why on earth doesn't your aunt want you to see him?" She glanced at me with a salacious look in her sky-blue eyes and murmured, "He seems like such a gentleman."

Octavia slowly finger spelled the words 'OLDER' and 'MYTHIC.' Tawnie nodded in understanding and said, "I get that. My cousin Anita is married to a Skinwalker. Her parents freaked and they haven't spoken in like seven years. It's a real shame. But that's family, isn't it?" Octavia and I both nodded unconsciously in agreement.

I checked my wristwatch and said, "I gotta get to work, O." She nodded and hugged me once more before signing, "I'll see you after school." I smiled anxiously and replied, "I hope so." I looked at Tawnie and said, "It was nice talking to you." She grinned and said, "Likewise." She hooked her arm around the back of Octavia's neck and all but dragged her into the school building.

I exhaled in a gust and turned to walk back across the street to where I had parked Sissy's newly detailed car. I then drove to work, making it there just in time to avoid being chewed out by Nora. 

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