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I didn't know what to do. Did I pull away? Did I let her keep kissing me? Did I kiss her back? What did I do with my hands? Touch her? Where? This shouldn't be happening. I placed my hands carefully on her shoulders and tried to push her away, but she clung to me, her fingers ripping at my clothes.

I tried to pull my head back but her hands moved up to grip my face. I could break away. I knew I could make her stop, but I didn't want to hurt her physically or emotionally.

Suddenly I felt something stir in me. Something I thought I had silenced last night. Something I thought I had impeccable control over. Hesitantly my hands reached up and curled around her neck, my thumbs resting gently against her jaws and I flooded her with glowing red pleasure. She pressed her mouth more firmly against mine opening it slightly to brush her tongue against my bottom lip. I could taste the thread of her life pulsing inside her in time with her heart and, by the gods above, I wanted it.

The feeling inside me was wrong. It wasn't mindless attraction like most of my kind felt in the same situation, it was hunger plain and simple. Hunger for that shimmering light inside her, hunger for life, for pleasure.

I opened my mouth and our tongues met and with that so did the cool, sweet taste of her life. I pulled her into my lap and she quickly obliged, hugging my body tightly against hers. She reached for the waist of my pants, but my fingers locked around her wrist. I didn't want that. She fought me for a second and then yielded, her hand falling limply to her side.

The glittering wisp of light traveled from her mouth into mine and it was pure and light and nothing like the life of her father which had been dark and heavy. Her chi was fulfilling and made me happy and I wanted all of it.

"Chase!" Sissy screamed and I sprung back away from Octavia nearly falling off the opposite side of the couch. Octavia crawled after me mewing like a cat and I had to fend her off. I looked over at Sissy. She was staring at me with her mouth hanging open. She had finished her makeup and changed her clothes to go to some club or another.

Her face was shocked. She hadn't seen me really feeding from someone in ages. Usually I shared whatever Sissy brought home...and by share I mean fed on Sissy at arms length after she had indulged in whoever she had brought home to play with.

Octavia grabbed at me, trying to pull my shirt off over my head. She leaned forward and licked my abs. My face was beet red and I turned to Sissy and cried, "Make her stop!" Sissy just laughed and laughed.   

Octavia's tongue reached the edge of my waistband and I let out a very un-masculine squeak. I scrambled away from her, falling off the couch and crawling over to Sissy. Octavia started after me. I grabbed Sissy's legs and shook them.

"Seriously! Make her stop!" I yelled clinging to Sissy, She just laughed some more and said, "You know a Succubus can't break another's Infatuation. Only you can make her stop." I pouted and whined, "I don't know how!"

"Yes, you do, Chase. Just tell her to stop," Sissy said carefully pulling her legs out of my reach. I sighed and turned to look at Octavia. She was making kissy faces at me. I sighed again and inched towards her. She flung herself at me and I grabbed her face in my hands. I stared her straight in the eye and could see my face reflected back. My eyes were glowing faintly. I swallowed hard and leaned forward slowly to kiss her forehead.

I took the Heat back and she fell away from me, collapsing on the floor. A few seconds passed before she pushed herself back up into a sitting position and asked, "What the hell happened?"

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