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"We'll hook up again soon," Sissy said standing in the doorway with Tessa. The officer looked down at her feet and replied, "I'll text you." Sissy smiled and leaned in to brush her lips against the corner of Tessa's mouth murmuring, "I look forward to it." Tessa's face flamed and Sissy sighed, the air around her shimmering with heat.

Sissy took a step back and Tessa laughed nervously tucking her golden-brown hair behind her ears. She moved out of the doorway and stumbled slightly, her dexterity hampered by a pair of heels she clearly wasn't used to wearing and the several glasses of wine she had consumed.

"Do you need me to call you a cab?" Sissy asked, her full, sultry lips bending in amusement.

"N-no, I'm good. I only live a couple blocks from here, but thanks for asking," she stammered, and Sissy's smile grew as she backed into the apartment.

"Alright, then. I'll see you later. Thanks for coming," Sissy said and Tessa replied, "Thanks for having me." She hesitated for a moment before waving awkwardly and starting down the hallway. Sissy watched her for a few seconds before closing the door with a sigh.

"Wow, Sis, you sent her home and it's not even seven o'clock," I mumbled nursing my fifth glass of wine. The tension of the day was just starting to wear off.

"I had to, Chase, she's human," Sissy retorted grabbing the glass out of my hand and draining it. I stood and snatched the empty glass back saying, "So?" I grabbed the fourth bottle of wine off the coffee table and refilled my glass.

"So, I only feed from humans when there are at least three of them," she said sitting down on the couch.

"Who said you have to feed from her?" I mumbled into my glass. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. She then turned to Octavia and asked, "What time do you need to be home?"

Octavia glanced at me, and I sighed sinking down in my chair and burying my nose in my glass. Sissy looked at both of us and asked, "What are you two hiding?" I licked my lips and slowly set my glass on the coffee table saying, "I may have picked Octavia up from school without her aunt's knowledge or permission."

Sissy stared at me for a long moment before saying, "Excuse me, what?" I opened my mouth to answer, but Sissy pelted me with a throw pillow and shouted, "That's kidnapping, Chase!"

"It's kidnapping to go home with a friend without permission?" Octavia asked and Sissy looked at me for translation. I repeated what Octavia said and Sissy nodded, saying, "Yes. Chase is an adult, and you are a minor. He has no custody over you, and he took you from school without permission from your legal guardian. That's kidnapping."

"But I wanted to go with him!" Octavia signed angrily and I repeated for Sissy.

"Then it's harboring a runaway which is still illegal," Sissy said before turning to me, "Chase, you have to take her home before her aunt calls the cops." She hit me once more with the pillow and snapped, "This could completely ruin our case!"

"I'm sorry, Sis! I panicked!" I exclaimed raising my arms to defend against the pillow. "She told me the boys were arrested and my mind immediately went to the worse place possible. What if the IL retaliate? What if they go after Octavia to punish me for getting their kids arrested?"

Sissy watched me in silence for several seconds before saying, "I understand." She turned to Octavia and asked, "Do you have any friends you can trust to lie for you? Human ones that your aunt would be okay with you staying with this weekend?"

Octavia thought for a moment before grimacing and replying, "Yes." 

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