" I hate this shit"

With a huff I slammed it into the wall again and again until nothing but broken pieces were left. The inside of my palm bled and I stared at the bleeding gash in my hand as I sat back down on my bed. The weight on my shoulders was becoming too much for me to handle and as I listened to the emptiness of my home, hot, salty water drops fell onto my wound, it stung but only slightly. The drops didn't stop, I didn't try to stop, I was alone and for the first time in years I felt as vulnerable as I did the day my mom left.


         Shifting comfortably a grin tugged at the corner of my mouth as a warm, soft hand slid across my chest. Sweet smells of coconut and mint tickled my nostrils as a gentle kiss was placed on my shoulder.

" Feeling better?"

I knew this perfect voice, it was decadent and sexy enough to drive any soul crazy.

This couldn't be real, there was no way Mia was really here but I wanted, needed to enjoy this for just a little longer. So I didn't open my eyes.

" Mia"

She giggled. " Kaleb.. are you actually feeling better? Do you need anything?"

" Just you, I'm losing my mind"

" Welcome to the club, I'm a veteran here" she teased. " You'll be okay, you're stronger than you give yourself credit for "

" Do you really think so? I don't feel like I'm strong"

" I know you are" she urged softly. " You're incredibly strong and you're humble about it. That's one of the reasons I love you "

The back of my eyes burned as I ran my hand over the back of hers.

" I love you too Mia, I love you so much I"-
as I rolled over, I opened my eyes only to find the space beside me empty. As the feeling of heavy disappointment washed over I laid back on my back and stared up at the ceiling.

" I love you so much I'm imagining that you're here"

" And now I'm talking to myself out loud" shaking my head my hands lifted and I winced at the pain radiating from my left hand.

I kept it in a fist all night and dried blood practically crusted my hand closed. Forcing my hand open I grunted in pain as the wound reopened. Groggily I pulled myself up, climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom. Lazily I cleaned, dressed and wrapped up the wound on my hand and then the one on my face. Then headed back into my bedroom at the sound of knocking at the bedroom door. Reluctantly I unlocked it and as I pulled it open I stared back at my brother's face. His expression was full of worry before he tried to offer a smile.

" What?"

" Hey, how are you feeling?"

" What do you care?"

" I just- I just wanted to know where your head is at"

Sighing I leaned against the door frame and shrugged. " I don't really know to be honest, at least I actually got some good sleep last night "

" That's what happens when you burn all of your energy" Dad stated as he headed down the hallway towards us. He was fully dressed in his usual dark tones, ironed to precision but with his demeanor colder than usual I knew I was in trouble. Ellis winced with a sheepish grin.

" Yeahh by the way, dad is here"

Sighing I stepped back, leaving the door open I walked away from it and sat down onto my bed.

Patiently I waited as Dad strode into my room his gaze slowly traveled around before landing on the cracked and broken wall. Then the broken pieces of my phone that lay scattered around the floor. Swiftly he grabbed ahold of my chin as he stared in my face. Without a word he sat down in my computer chair and Ellis leaned against the door frame.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now