" Ang" I walked around the island closer to her. Stubbornly shaking her head she took a step away from me.

" Angie, come here" my fingers brushed against her arm but instead of snatching away she began to tremble. Pulling her against me I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight then rested my head on top of hers.
Angie didn't hug me back and her tiny tremors didn't stop as her tears soaked through my shirt.

" I'm so sorry"

" Why?" She croaked

" I don't know" I couldn't help but sigh, I already told Angie the truth about sleeping with Mia. I was sure that she couldn't handle anymore of my honesty.  Especially the fact that she was right.. I still loved Mia and I was still attached, so incredibly attached that it was borderline obsessive and Angie was just my distraction.

" Kaleb please, just be honest with me" she pleaded pulling away to stare back into my eyes. " What does she have that I don't?"

...My heart.

" It's not like that Ang, she broke into the house last night, I didn't jump into action because I didn't want to scare you. She was there to kill us but she couldn't do it and left. I went after her to ask what the hell was she thinking. She couldn't give me an answer and so I asked her what she wanted? She wanted me "

" So you just gave yourself to her?"


" It was the last time. I told her it was over and she knows not to come around here again"

Angie's tears finally began to stop but her nose remained red as she sniffled.

" I hope you know I can't forgive you right now"

I nodded. " I know "

" I won't go back home so I'll probably stay at a hotel until I can think straight again. I just- I can't be here for a while"

" I understand and I'll pay for it, for as long as you need. If you decide that you want to go home just call me and I'll get you on the plane" I assured running a hand over the top of her head. Avoiding my gaze Angie nodded and began to pull away from me.

" I'm going to go pack my things"

Tucking my hands into my pockets I watched as she hugged herself walking away from me.

" Fuck, are you doing Kaleb?" I asked myself as I took my hands from my pockets and ran them through my hair. Locking my fingers behind my head I sat at the island and put my forehead against the cool stone countertop. With a deep breath I caught the whiff of Mia's perfume, she always smelt as delicious as she was. Last night she smelt like peaches and coconut, fuckin hell, I showered twice and I can still smell her. I can hear her moaning my name in my head. Mia May Langley, was unstable, toxic and drove me unfathomably crazy. Most things in my life I could shake off and keep pushing but this.. this is has be what it's like to be a addict.

And Angie I lied right to her face.

Just then my pocket began to vibrate as my phone began to ring. Pulling it out a frustrated groan released as I read the name.

" Yeah?"

" What's up K, you busy?"

" Not really, something going on?"

Nick let out a forced laugh. " I'm trying my fucking hardest not to yell in your ear but I'm fucking livid "

" What happened?"

" The 27th st Zeros, they claim that they aren't paying for product anymore. They even came at Greenleaf"


(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now