Jethro - Broken bone

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Y/N's POV:

I was off work today, so I decided to go skateboarding because I am bored, and I have nothing else to do. I knew how to skateboard, and I was quite good at it. I decided to go to the skate bowl that is close to the tower so if anything happens, I could run to the tower and get one of the lifeguards. When I left the house, I put my helmet on and put my skateboard down and skated to the bowl.

When I got there, I saw that it wasn't that busy and there were only a few people there. I had to wait around 10 minutes to go in because the other people were using it.

I had been skating for around 10 minutes in the bowl and I have been doing cool tricks but all of a sudden, I fell off the board when I was at the top of the bowl and I fell hard onto the ground. I tried to move my arm to get myself up but I couldn't as I was in too much pain. I was screaming in pain as it was too painful and I just thought that I broke my collarbone. I moved my right arm and touched my left collarbone and when I touched it I started to cry more and scream louder as I figured that I broke my left collarbone.

Around 5 minutes later, I feel someone stroke my hair and I knew that it was Jethro as I knew that none of the other lifeguards would stroke someone's head. I open my eyes to see Jethro and I say "Hey babe" quietly. He then asks me "Where does it hurt, baby?"

"My collarbone. I think I broke it."

"Is it all right if I touch it?" I shake my head to say no but as I went to shake my head I winced in pain.

"Can I have the green whistle? It hurts badly." He nods his head to say yes and he asks Joel if he can have the whistle and then a minute later Jethro hands me the whistle and I start breathing it in.

Around 10 minutes later the ambulance comes and manages to get me out of the bowl and they take me to the hospital. When I get to the hospital they x-ray my collarbone and it shows that my collarbone is broken so they get me into surgery to put pins bone so that it can heal properly. They give me a sling so that I don't move my arm so that it can heal properly.

---The next day---

They decided to keep me overnight so that they could keep an eye on me but when it was around 10 am I managed to leave the hospital and when I did I went down to the beach to see Jethro as he couldn't come to the hospital yesterday because of work.

When I get down to the beach I walk along the beach to see if I could find Jethro which I did. He was just in front of the tower so when I walked up to him I stood next to him and gave him a one-armed hug as I couldn't move my other arm and when he realised that I was the one to hug him he kissed me on the top of my head and asked me if I was all right. I explained to him that I just had a broken collarbone and that I have to go to the hospital in 2 months to get the pins out. We stayed side by side for the rest of the day except form when he had to go and do rescues. He also let me sit in the buggy as he could see me getting tired after an hour of standing up.


Thanks to secretshh3834 for suggesting this chapter. I don't know how to skateboard, so I skipped that part about skateboarding and I also have never broken a bone so I don't know it heals. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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