Oh My God They Were Roommates

501 30 7

Cross's POV

The door clicked open and I could hear it slam along with a sigh from my roommate Nightmare as he got home.

We were basically forced to live together by Ink, because and I quote 'You can help each other since you're both supposedly reformed'. What a vote of confidence from my former friend. Though I can't blame him too much for being suspicious of us.

I walked to the main room where Night had just plopped down on the couch. He was exhausted from a long day of trying to solve the multiverse's problems and getting yelled at for it.

Night looked at me. "I need a nap." He laughed slightly, there was no rest for him, even when he slept he was still privy to all the problems.

I felt bad for him. I couldn't do much to help but I tried. "Want to eat ice cream and watch a horror movie?"

"Hell yes"

We settled down on the couch with the ice cream, brownie for me and coffee for Nightmare because we're like that. The movie started playing, it was interesting. Basically there was this guy who supposedly drowned in a river in the town where the main characters grew up. They went to school together and yada yada yada guy comes back to the spot he died and is haunted by the ghost until trapping it in a clock at the end of the movie.

The credits were starting to roll when I looked back at Nightmare. He was asleep leaning his head against my shoulder, I hadn't even noticed. He was probably really tired from the long day so I took the empty container from him and disposed of it along with my own.

I went back over to sit in my previous spot where Night was still asleep somehow in the exact same position. It was past 11 o'clock and I wasn't tired yet so I put on another movie.

Guess I was more tired than I thought because after about 20 minutes of this new movie I wake up and it's 7:32 in the morning. Thankfully the tv shut itself off.

It's bright out. I don't like it. I pull the blanket over my face. Wait a minute, when did I go and get a blanket? I notice that Nightmare wasn't around. He must have gotten me the blanket before heading out for the day. That's really nice of him.

I should do something for him, but what?

Alright, I'm back. I'm feeling better, not 100% quite yet but I'm getting there. I'm happy to be back to writing. See ya, imaginary people

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