(New Ship Opinions)

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So, I'm sure y'all know that I have a ship opinions thing in this book. I would like to say that it is old and doesn't reflect my opinions now. So, we're going to make a new one. I'll leave the old one, it's part of this book and it's cool to see how I've changed.

This going to be set up a little differently than the other one but not much.

If there is a ship you know of that is not mentioned, assume is ok. Or you could ask, I've got nothing better to do today.

Starting off:

Nightmare: Switch boi, but mostly dom. Except when passive, then mostly sub
Best - Blue
Good - Killer, Cross, Ink, Dream,
Ok - Dust(When Passive), Error (When Passive)
Bad - Error, Dust

Dream - Sub. I can't help but laugh a bit whenever he's dom. He's just way too oblivious and happy-go-lucky for that most of the time, or he gets way too upset.
Best - Cross
Good - Error, Nightmare, Blue,
Ok - Fell (I know I'm weird)
Bad - (probably going to die for this one) Killer, Ink

Cross: Switch. Slightly more dom than sub
Best - Dream
Good - Nightmare, Killer, Outer, Ink
Ok - Blue, Dust, Error, Classic
Bad - Horror, Lust

Killer: Switch
Best - Outer
Good - Nightmare, Cross, Dust, Horror
Ok - Lust, Error
Bad - Ink

Blue: Switch, mostly sub
Best - Nightmare
Good - Dream, Dust, Classic
Ok - Cross, Error, Lust, Ink, Fell, Error
Bad -

Ink: Don't care either way. He is a female dog, but at least he's not one when sub, most of the time
Best - Error
Good - Nightmare, Cross
Ok - Dust, Blue, Classic
Bad - Dream, Killer

Dust: Another switch, more dom than sub
Best - Blue
Good - Horror, Killer, Lust, Classic
Ok - Nightmare(Passive), Ink, Cross, Error
Bad - Nightmare

Error: Most of these boys are switches.
Best - Ink
Good - Dream, Lust
Ok - Dust, Cross, Nightmare (Passive), Killer, Reaper, Classic
Bad -

Fell: Dom
Best - Sci
Good - Classic, Geno, Horror
Ok - Blue, Dream
Bad -

Sci: Switch
Best - Fell
Good - Outer
Ok - Error, Horror
Bad -

Geno: Switch, could totally be dom if he wanted to.
Best - Reaper
Good - Fell
Ok -
Bad - everyone else

Reaper: Dom
Best - Geno
Good -
Ok - Error
Bad - everyone else

Horror: Dom
Best - Lust
Good - Killer, Dust, Fell
Ok - Sci
Bad -

Lust: Switch
Best - Horror
Good - Dust, Error
Ok - Killer, Lust
Bad -

Classic: Switch but mostly sub
Best -
Good - Fell, Blue, Outer, Dust
Ok - Cross, Ink, Error
Bad -

Outer: Sub
Best - Killer
Good - Cross, Classic
Ok -
Bad -

I think I got everything.

Even ships that I think are bad can be good in certain situations. It doesn't mean I won't write it. I just try to avoid reading those ships.

Anyway, see ya, imaginary people

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