(I Finally Figured It Out)

233 3 14

So, I'm sure you all have noticed by now that I do not ship Killer and Dream.

I've never called it a bad ship mostly because I had no idea why in my mind it just didn't work.

But a few days ago I finally realized why I can't ship it.

Dream is too good. When everything went wrong for him, he turned to helping others. He can't understand why people would hurt anyone, especially for no reason.

I've never seen in anything where Killer is with Dream that he's had any sad or tragic thing in the past that makes him act the way he does. So Dream wouldn't understand him and wouldn't like him.

Dream could be good with a villain character but he would not get along with one who hurts people for what he sees as no reason.

He could be good with Nightmare or Cross or even Dust and in some cases even Lust. But not with Horror or Killer because that's just how their universe is.

However Blue does not have Dream's problem and could work with basically anyone. So actually what would be better is for Dream to be with Dust and Blue to be with Killer. It would better for them.

Killer with Dream would probably feel pressured to be perfect because in Dream's mind he has no excuse for his actions.

Outer is way chiller than most of the others so he'd be okay with Killer the way he is. So, I ship Killer and Outer.

Actually, now that I'm writing this, Outer would actually work well with any of the bad guys because he's so relaxed and he's pretty accepting. Ok maybe, Outer can just be shipped with anyone and everyone.

Oops, got off topic. Anyway, that's it. What do you all think?

Please don't hurt me. I'm not hating on Kreme I just don't ship it.

See ya, imaginary people

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