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(Please read note at the bottom)

(Everybody is in high school. Also, most of the characters will be the ones who aren't used as often. These babies need love too)

Dance's POV

I'm out looking for my dog, Jazz. He ran away yesterday and no one I've talked to has seen him. "Jazz. Here boy. Where are you?" I see Alter over at the bench. Maybe he's seen my dog. I go over to him "Hey, Alter. Have you seen Jazz anywhere? He's missing"

"Sorry, I haven't but I'll ask some of my friends. We'll find him. Have you checked the pound?"

"Yeah, I checked yesterday and this morning. Hopefully, someone will find him"

Katana's POV

I take another slash at the target. Sideswipe. Uppercut. Down. I like to practice with my sword, it clear my mind. There is a loud whimper that catches me off guard and I fall. Thankfully, I dropped my sword so I didn't get cut by it.

I hear another whimper. It seems to be coming from just outside my yard so I open the gate to check and I'm immediately tackled by a furry creature. It licks my face and I'm able to see what jumped on me. It's a smallish blue-grey dog with tan markings. He seems very happy to see people and has a collar on, so he's not a stray. I sit up and the dog curls up in my lap. "Where's your owner, buddy?" I just get a few more whimpers as a reply.

I check his collar. No tags but the collar has his name embroidered on it. "So, your name is Jazz?" Jazz wags his tail, obviously happy that his name was called.

I'd feel awful if I sent him to the pound. He's such a sweet dog, he probably wouldn't be able to handle it.

"You want some food, Jazz?" His tail wags excitedly. I guess he heard the magic word. I let him into my house and find some old leftovers to feed him with. My parents would probably kill me for letting a dog in the house, but they're never home so it doesn't matter.

"I hope we find your owner soon"

(Time skip: the next day, at school) {This time skip was brought to you by, Jazz, the sweetest pupper ever}

It's almost lunch now. I hope Jazz isn't tearing up my house. The teacher dismisses us to lunch and I see my classmate, Dance, still asleep at his desk. I wonder what's wrong with him. He's been sleeping through all his classes. That really isn't like him. I go over and gently shake his arm. "Hey, Dance, it's lunchtime, buddy. You need to get up"

"Huh?" Dance looks up at me with sleepy eyesockets. "It's lunchtime already?"

"Yeah, and you're going to miss it if you sleep any more," I joke. He just looks like he wants to go back to sleep. "What's wrong? You never sleep in class"

"It's my dog. He ran away two days ago and I haven't been able to find him." Dance starts crying a bit. "I've had him since he was a puppy. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to him. I can hardly eat or sleep, I'm the worst dog owner ever!"

Dance's POV

I put my head down at my desk and cry. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Katana is still there. He looks me dead in the eyesockets and says "This is important. What's your dog's name?"

I'm able to get control of myself and bring my crying back to a sniffle "He's a blue heeler. His name is Jazz" I start crying again.

Katana shakes my arm again but this time harder. "Dance, I know where your dog is. Meet me after school. I can take you to him if you want"

I jump up and hug Katana tightly. "Thank you, so, so much. You have no idea how much this means to me."

Katana gently wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me slightly closer. My face heats up from his actions. "You're welcome. I would have done the same for anyone... We should probably get to lunch now."

"I'll see you after school?"

"After school. Be by the cafeteria"

(Time skip: after school) {This time skip was brought to you by, my own crazy dogs who push each other down the stairs on accident}

I've been waiting here for about 10 minutes and finally, Katana run over waving his arms frantically. "I'm so sorry. I got a little hung up after class. I didn't want you to think I stood you up or something. Anyway, my house isn't far from here, so we can walk"

We talk a little on the way over to his house which was only like a five-minute walk.

Katana's POV

Dance seems pretty impressed with my house. It's not huge, but it's a little over overkill for the three of us, especially when I'm really the only one who's home a lot. "Come on. Jazz is going to be so excited to see you" I lead him up to the door and as soon as the door opens. The little blur that is Jazz jumps in Dance's arms nearly knocking him over.

"I missed you so much. Don't ever run off again" Dance says burying his face in Jazz's fur. I don't think I've ever seen a dog's tail wag as much as that moment

I let them have their moment before interrupting. "Do you want me to take you home now?"


We get into my car and I drive Dance to his house, with some direction from him, of course.

"If you there's ever anything, you want me to do for you, just ask. I really owe you"

"You don't have to if you don't want to but... how about we go out to dinner, tomorrow. I'll pay"

"Are you asking me out?"

"I guess I am"

"Then I accept" We both face each other and lean forward. Just when we're about to kiss, Jazz gets in between us and licks our faces. Dance and I laugh because of the puppy kiss block and Dance opens the door to get out.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7?"

"That sounds great" He goes in his house, Jazz excitedly following.


IMPORTANT: I will be leaving again. I will be gone starting Friday morning and hopefully will be back on Tuesday or earlier. I'm sorry to leave again but this should be the last time for a while.

This is the longest one-shot I've written in a while. I always love creating situations and worlds. This took about 2 weeks to finish, and I'm proud of it. See ya, imaginary people

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