(I Have No Idea)

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So, I was just thinking about the thing I did on how to shut up a homophobe and I realized, I didn't include anything from the Bible.

Today, we're going to fix that. As someone who was raised in a Christian house that's actually pretty easy.

The first story that comes to mind is the story of Zachius (If I spelled that right)

Essentially, he was a tax collector and would overtax the people to take money for himself, but that's not the important part.

The important part is that everyone hated him. They thought Jesus would hate him to, oh boy were thy wrong.

He made it a point to say in front of everyone that he would go to Zachius' house for dinner.

He went out of his way to be nice to the tax collector to show the following that they need to love even people who they don't like.

When asked about the most important commandment, Jesus responded with Love god and love others.

I don't see any stipulations in that. It doesn't say 'love everyone except those people, fuck those people' Nope, it says everyone. It's seriously surprising how many people forget that.

Then, there's the story of the Samaritan woman.

The Samaritans and the Jews were not friends. In fact, they hated each other. They would not socialize with each other, they did not interact.

The Samaritans were seen as lesser humans among other things.

Well, Jesus once again went out of his way to be nice to this woman and to show everyone.

The point is, homophobes have no excuse for their behavior.

It actually says in the Bible (and I'm paraphrasing) That is not humans place to judge and they will get what coming to them.

So, see ya, imaginary people and thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

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