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(Requested by, Scarlet_Cloak69 I hope you like it, you did tell me to go crazy)

Error's POV

I sat down next to Cross on the ledge. We both stared at the stars in silence for a while before I decided to say something.

"Why are you out here?"

"I just wanted to think."

I get it, this ledge, it makes you feel so far away from your troubles. It's about the farthest you can go in the multiverse. I don't want to ask him about his problems, that's personal. We barely know each other.

We did this for a few days, sitting together and barely talking, just enjoying each other's company.

The kiss didn't mean anything to either of us, we just needed affection. I let him lean on my shoulder and I rested my head on top of his. It didn't mean anything.

But, if it didn't mean anything, then why was lingering in the back of my mind as the days passed? I wasn't trying to forget it or remember it, it was just there. I wonder if he was going through the same thing.

It was a stupid kiss, it didn't mean anything. It was one moment of vulnerability, a simple act of need and we shared it. No words were said, but we understood each other, if only for a moment. So much pain, so much hurt, it's hard to go on. It's hard to let go.

So, as we stand here, one final time, crying, and hugging, we know we can't let go of the past. We've tried, the demons just haunt us. I kiss Cross. It's the same the first time. This kiss is comfort and understanding and reassurance. He holds my face while we cry. 

We didn't write notes. Who would miss two rejects, abandoned by everyone? Cross laces my fingers with his, and we jump.

The last things we see are each other, the only reason we've kept going this long. He smiles at me, and I smile back. Neither of us regrets this decision. We've found comfort in each other, and hopefully, peace in death. 


I was going to say something but, hah, that ending, oof. I didn't mean to make it that sad. I'm sorry. 

See ya, imaginary people.

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