Nightmare x Dreamswap!Nightmare

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(Hey there imaginary people, I'm not dead. This ship was requested by MayaTablet. The story kinda wrote itself. Also, I got over my writer's block)

Dreamswap!Nightmare's POV

The timelines are very unstable. Lately, if you were just outside you could be transported to another timeline.  (It's all very technical and I'm not going to explain it but there are too many AU in the different timelines that it created an overflow timeline where all of this stuff is taken in order to try and restore the balance of the timelines)

Unfortunately, it's my day to check on the timeline rifts. We've been taking turns checking so if they get too close we can escape before anything happens. 

I start walking around and then the ground beneath my feet suddenly disappears. I fall flat on my face. I get up dust myself off and look around. It looks like there was just a whole bunch of AU parts used to create a collage. I guess I found a timeline rift. I wonder what's here. 

After a bit of wandering around, I run into another me. I guess he fell through a rift too. I think it's the original Nightmare. It's too far to tell. I walk closer. I guessed right it is the original Nightmare. He looks just as confused as me. 

Nightmare looks straight at me. Then he attacks. "What was that for?" I yell. 

He just attacks again. Well, this is going to get annoying. "We're going to have to work together if we want to get out of here." He stops attacking. 

"I suppose you're right. I won't attack you if you don't attack me."


"I've been here a bit longer than you, so you have to follow me" He starts walking and I follow. 

(Time Skip: 5 hours later) {this time skip was brought to you by a secret thing I'm working on. I haven't been updating as often as I want to but I'm working on something and it could either be a big success or a huge failure, so forgive my not updating}

We've been walking for hours and I'm getting really tired. I'm so tired I'm not paying attention to where I'm going. Suddenly the ground beneath my feet disappears. I scream and shut my eyes. I feel a pull and suddenly I'm not falling anymore. I still don't open my eyes. I'm too scared to look. I'm pulled back up to the ledge I fell off and I finally look. The original Nightmare saved me from falling to death. 

"Be more careful next time. You nearly fell to your death, you idiot."

"O-ok" We start walking again to reach stable ground but this time I'm in front so he can make sure I don't fall into a pit again. We come to a tree and decide to sleep there. I quickly fall asleep.

Nightmare's POV

"You're a lucky bastard. A cute one, but definitely lucky." 


There you go. See ya Imaginary people.

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