Happy Pill

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(So, the stupid author has managed to hurt their ankle and get sick. Way to go me, right? It sucks, a lot, but hey, I actually got a one-shot done.)

3rd Person POV

"You don't understand," Ink said as he lifted the unconscious guardian of positivity from the floor. "I need him. Being empty, it drives me insane. Dream makes me feel real emotions."

"I-i UndErStaNd tHat yoU'Re a SiCk frEak," Error said.

"Get out of my way, Error. I'm not warning you again. Let me take him and we won't have any problems." Error said nothing. "We both know I can beat you in a fight. Just let me leave."

The destroyer stepped back. Ink teleported with Dream, who still had not woken up from the hit he had taken earlier, to a pocket AU. One that strangely enough, was invisible to almost everyone except Ink.

He dropped Dream onto a light blue colored sofa and grabbed one of his paintbrushes, healing the crack in Dream's skull. The guardian was of no use to him dead after all. 

Dream's eyes fluttered open. "Huh? Where... Where am I?" He seemed extremely dazed. 

"Blue betrayed us. Nightmare attacked, you got knocked out. I moved us to a temporary base," Ink explained.

"I remember Error was there. They were scared. Someone hit me in the head. Then I woke up here." It seemed more like Dream was talking to himself than to the artistic skeleton. He sat up slowly. "Ink, why did Blue let them in?"

"Because he's a traitor." Dream didn't think that sounded like Blue, but Ink didn't have any reason to lie. "I'm going to see if there's anything I can salvage from the old base. Stay here. I'll know if you leave." Dream had a puzzled look on his face. "It's only for your protection. Nightmare is still after us, and you're not a good fighter." 

"Yeah, you always beat me easily during training." He stood up and started walking around, trying to think more clearly. 

"One last thing, before I leave," Ink said as he walked over to Dream with his hands shoved in his jacket's pockets. Ink suddenly leaned forward, kissing Dream. The guardian was very surprised, Ink had never shown even the slightest bit of interest in him before. He was almost too caught up in the kiss to notice the slight pain in his right arm. 

Ink left and Dream stumbled back over to the couch. "Why do I feel so weird?" he wondered out loud. He managed to sit down before everything went black.


I kinda had fun writing this one. See ya, imaginary people.

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