(Update on hold + Shamless Self-Promotion)

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Turns out that I actually have three requests to work on so I guess the hold actually starts after that but requests are still on hold. Please be patient it's still kinda giving me writer's block so it's probably going to take me a while.

So, just wanted to make sure everyone understands that this is the only book I put on hold.

I have other books. I don't get a lot of readers on my other books so I'm hoping by maybe doing a quick thing here you guys might at least be interested.

1) Time will Tell - Sanscest. Not the normal ships but I think it has a good plot. It's all about time-travel and m a few of the characters are time-travels who take the others to different time periods. There are lots of background characters and it's more of a happy adventure book with romance.

2) The World Throught our Eyes - Its an original story. Co-authored by me and my best friend. Not a new concept. The characters are hybrids who live in a facility. It's all very gay. It has a different writing style than this book. The chapters are broken up by Journals and other things.

3) Mind Games - Sanscest. This one is the normal ships ie. Crossmare, Kreme, Horrorlust, etc. I did rate it mature, that's because it deals with a lot of death and just straight up murder. It's not a happy book. You will be very confused while reading this book and be prepared to have your heart torn out and stomped on. It's kinda Hunger Games-ish if you want something to compare it too.

As something for your troubles:
My dogs will go up and give each other little kisses on the muzzle, but we try and get them to do a Lady and the Tramp moment and the male is suddenly like cooties! (Still love them so much)

So yeah, this has been my shameless self-promotion. I don't think I'm ever going to do something like this again, I don't like bugging people. See ya, imaginary people.

Also incase y'all were concerned, I'm doing ok. It's better than it was before. It's probably just because I'm away from that situation right now.

Sanscest One-shots (no lemons) (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now