Yandere!Nightmare x Cross

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(Requested by Rooted_Shipper Sorry, it took forever)

Cross's POV

There's that weird feeling again. It's like I'm being watched or something. This feeling has been off and on for the last few months. Since then, there have been a lot of bad things happening, specifically to people close to me.

Blue went missing for a week and then just turned up back at his house and wouldn't talk about what happened. He hasn't talked to me since. Lust flirted with me once and he was in the hospital with a concussion only an hour later.

Ink says it's all just coincidence, but it seems a bit too perfect just to be a coincidence.

My phone starts ringing so I take it out and check the caller ID. It's Dream. I answer

"What's up, Dream?"

"Killer is missing. I went over to his house to check on him because he hasn't been answering his phone and he didn't answer the door. I'm worried, what if he's hurt or missing?"

"Ok, stay at Killer's house. I'll be right over then we can look together"

"Don't hang up please. I'm scared."

"It's only for a minute. I'll be right there, I promise." I end the call and start walking to Killer's house. It's not far from here and I can take the shortcut through the park and make sure Killer isn't there.

I didn't see Killer the entire walk. I knock on the door but no one answers. I go through the gate to the backyard just in case. No one is out there, but the door is slightly ajar. Assuming Dream already went inside I go in.

After looking around, it's very clear that Killer isn't here and neither is Dream. Where are they? This is just a prank, right? "Very funny guys, you can come out now." I call into the empty house.

No response. I expected that but why leave the door open? Maybe I could try calling Dream? I call him and the phone picks up.

"Where are you at? I went to Killer's house but you aren't here."

To my surprise, it was Nightmare who picked up the phone. "He got scared and called me to pick him up. Next time, you shouldn't hang up on him."

"Can I talk to him?"

"No, he's sleeping. I've got to go now, bye"

"Ok, bye." That was weird. Why wouldn't Dream tell me himself if he was leaving and it's only a bit past 3 why would he take a nap?

(Time skip: the next day) {This time skip was brought to you by I don't even know anymore.}

I haven't seen Killer or Dream since yesterday and now Outer hasn't shown up to work. I'm starting to get worried. I should go check on him.

I walk to Outer's house. I don't even bother to knock, the door is always unlocked when he's home. Just like I thought, the door was unlocked.

I go in and it's all a wreck in there. Things are thrown on the floor and some glass shards are sticking out of the couch and a trail of blood that goes nowhere. It looks like a pretty big fight happened in here.

I should see if whoever did this left anything here. I look around for a minute before I notice the noises coming from the closet. It sounds like crying and small whimpers. I open the door and Outer is in there, badly beaten and very scared. His face is buried in his hands. Right, he's claustrophobic.

"Hey, Outer. What happened?" I say softly.

He looks up at me. "Cross? Cross! What are you doing here?"

"You didn't come to work today. I got worried because of everything that's been happening lately. What happened? Can you stand?"

"I think I can stand." He crawls out of the closet and I help him over to the dining room and sit in a chair. "Can you get the bandages from the bathroom, please?" I go get them and help him wrap his arms and any other injuries he has.

"You should get those looked at. How did they happen?"

"It was Nightmare, he wasn't right. He attacked me and then locked me in the closet. I think he did something to Killer and Dream too. He's been behind every bad thing that's happened. Please, you have to believe me."

"If you're right, Killer and Dream are in serious trouble. I need to go see Nightmare"

"You don't even know if they're alive. How can you just put yourself in danger like that?"

"They're my friends. I'm going by myself. If I'm not back by tomorrow, tell everyone what happened." I leave before he can tell me not to do it again. My mind is made up. If there's even a chance Killer and Dream are alive I have to risk it. 

quickly after I knock. I can't let him know I'm onto him. "Hi, Nightmare."

"Hello, Crossy. I wasn't expecting anyone over."

"Dream invited me." I lie. Nightmare can't hide his surprise.

"That's impossible, I-" He quickly cuts himself off, and then realizes what I was doing. "So, you know. I wasn't expecting that but it's alright." He drags me into the house and shuts the door behind us. "I'll give you a choice. You can stay here and live with me and all your friends will be safe or you can try and resist me and I will kill all of them. Either way, we'll be together. It's your choice."

There really isn't a choice here. "I'll stay with you."

"Good choice, Crossy"


Well, that was a bit longer than expected, oh well. It was fun to write. See ya, imaginary people.

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