Blood and Petals

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(Sorry I didn't update for a while. I had a bit of writer's block. I'm you know how it is.

Finally decided to do a Hanahaki disease thing. I've never had the motivation for one before)

Error's POV

I've always been an outcast. I don't fit in with either group. So, I resigned myself to being an outside observer. I don't get involved, I don't care what happens to anyone.

I met Ink once, we were trapped together. He didn't seem to care about anything. I was jealous of that. I wish I didn't need to feel, I wish I didn't want approval. He gets to choose what he feels. He doesn't have to listen to whatever his stupid soul wants. I wish I could shut mine off, it's so annoying.

I remember that day,the day I met Ink, my rib cage tightened and I couldn't breathe. It felt like a stabbing pain in my soul. Once we separated, it happened. I coughed up a small petal, no bigger than the end of my pinky bone. Since then, the petals have gotten bigger. They're about the size of the diameter of a baseball now.

I know it's not ever going to be cured unless I remove it and take away my emotions. I wonder to myself why I haven't just done it sometimes. I don't want to feel. Ink can never love me, I have no reason not to do it. Sci has even offered to do it.

Sci is one of only two people who know, the other is Outer. Sci helps me with the physical symptoms and Outer has been my emotional support. They both think I should go through with the procedure since there's no other way that I'll survive.

I once asked them both what they would do if they were in my situation. Sci said he would fix the problem but Outer told me he'd rather die with his emotions than live and be empty. I don't actually know what to do. I appreciate their support and advice but neither of them actually know what I feel.

I cough up a petal, and as I look at my hand, I notice a few small drops of red. Blood.

Sci warned me about this. Once it gets to the point where I start coughing blood, I need to make a decision within 6 hours. I have 6 hours to figure out if I want to live or die.

I teleport to Sci's lab. He's bent over a table studying a sample, I can't quite see what it is.

"Hey, Sci. Sorry I'm a little early"

He straightens up and looks at me. "It's no problem, Error. What do you need?"

"I started coughing up blood just a minute ago."

"So, have you made a decision yet?"

"Not yet, I want to talk to Ink and Outer first"

Sci nods. "Ok. Give me one second." He walks off and gets two watches. He fastens one around my wrist and the other on his. "Both of these have a timer set on them. You need to be back here with your decision before these clocks hit zero."

"I got it. I'll be here." I want to talk to Outer first so I teleport to the cliff where he always hangs out.

He's sitting there, holding his knees. "Hey, Outer"

Outer jumps a little from hearing my voice. "I didn't expect you to be here right now." He lowers his knees and puts his hands in his pockets, trying to not look like he was just surprised.

"Well, I'm having an emergency right now."

He immediately looks concerned. "What is it?"

"I started coughing up blood. I've only got six hours to decide if I want to get rid of my emotions or not."

"Error, I know this is going to be weird coming from me but, I think you should do the procedure."

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