(The April 24th Thing)

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I know you all have seen people talk about this, I've said it in group chats, I've made announcements, but I know not a lot of people are actually following me or read the announcements because they're probably buried amongst like 1000 others. That's why I'm writing this.

So, once more to reach all the people I can.

This is a massive overreaction to what a very small percentage thinks/said. This happens all the time, especially with social media. Not to say it's not absolutely disgusting, because it is.

It's absolutely atrocious, but don't fear the world because of it. As hard as it is to believe for me sometimes, most humans will do the right thing. The world is so cruel and heartless that sometimes we forget that there is good. 

To me the most awful part is that we're letting them win. We're letting the fear control us. Look at everything, this is mass hysteria. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be scared, because if you don't feel repulsed or scared by this then that is a problem, because then you'd think it is ok. But all this? We are feeding into it.

Yes, please absolutely be safe, make yourself comfortable. Stay home, carry a weapon, and be suspicious of people, but don't just do it today. Be on guard every day, because as much as there is good, there is bad. There will not be huge headlines and we will wake up the next day the same as always and one day we'll look bad and remember when we were all terrified for nothing.

I get that hearing about this is scary. Life is awful and people are scary sometimes, but we can't just be terrified every day of our lives.

These awful disgusting people are trying to take the recognition away from survivors and victims and we're letting them. Be aware, be on guard, and most of all put your hearts out there for everyone who's been through it. I've seen so many posts specifically calling for women and children to be safe, but please remember all the men and the non-binaries and every one else. This is not a gender specific thing, they all need love and support.

No survivor should ever be discounted because of age, gender, race, religion, sexuality, or anything else. And tomorrow should be a day of remembrance for all those who could live through it. It makes me so angry that these people just think this is ok. Not only are they despicable, they are just furthering the pain.

Please share if you want. Please be safe. If you still feel scared, find someone to talk to, my dms are open, comment, whatever to make you comfortable because this is your safe space just as much as it is mine.

I hope of we learn anything from this, it's that we can be careful without being terrified. I hope reading this reminds you that everything will be ok.

Sorry for the terrible long rant, see ya, imaginary people

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