Blue x Dust

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{Hey there imaginary people bet you weren't expecting an update so soon, but I'm bored so here you go}

Dust's POV

It's 6:30 in the morning and Blue is already trying to wake me up. "Can't we just go back to bed Bluebear?"

"No come on Dusty, it's time to wake up" He jumps on the bed and then I pull him back down so he's snuggled up against my chest. "Let me up"

"Nah, I'm comfy. Go back to sleep" He rolls his eyes at me

"Fine, there's no point in arguing with you" 

Blue fell asleep. He's so cute. 

{Time skip: 2 hours later} (This time skip was brought to you by me crying my eyes out the ending of Robotech the Macross saga, again. It's an amazing show and is on Netflix, so go watch it. )

Blue woke up before Dust. He checked the time, 8:30. "Dusty, get up!" he pulled the blankets off of his partner. 

"Why What time is it"


"Your brother is going to be home any minute."

"Correction your brother is here. Blue please tell me Dust didn't sleep-over again"

"He did"

"You know how I feel about that"

"I know, but nothing happened... last night," I say the last part quietly so my brother can't hear me. 

"Fine, I've got to leave again but nothing better happen while I'm gone"

"Of course not Papy" He leaves and Dust and I are alone again. We hang out and watch movies. We're halfway through our movie marathon when I start to feel sick.  I get up and go throw up in the bathroom. To be honest, I haven't been feeling my best lately, I've been light headed and felt weak. I might need to go see Sci, he's the closest thing we have to a doctor.

"You alright in there, muffin?" I throw up again. "I'm going to take you to see Sci, alright?"


A few minutes later, we teleport together to go see Sci. 

Dust's POV

I've been waiting out here for a while now. What's going on? Where's Blue? Is he ok? Finally, Sci comes out to where I'm waiting. 

"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?"

"Bad news"

"Ok, here's the bad news, US!Pap is going to kill you"

"It's that bad?"

"The good news is, he's not sick"

"Why do I feel a but coming on?"

"But he's pregnant"

Right now I have two different trains of thought in my head. The first one, I'm going to be a father. The second one, I'm going to die. "Can I see him?"

"Go on in" I go to were Blue is and he's sitting in anticipation. As soon as he sees me he hug-tackles me to the ground.  

"Be careful, you don't want to hurt the baby" He gives me a huge smile and kisses me on the cheek. 

"I'm so happy you care about our baby. I was scared you wouldn't want it."

"Of course I want to keep the baby, and I'm sure it will be just as great as you"


This one-shot was the third one I started and here we are 5 updates later and it's finally done. As always if you have a request let me know. 

@MayaTablet hope I surprised you by getting this done so soon. 

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