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Nightmare's POV

I see faces. Why do I see faces?

So many. Make it stop!

They're all blurred but I know them. I can't stop the memories.

I just want to forget so bad but they're there when I close my eyes.

They were so young. They aren't now. Is been so long, would they even remember me? Have I changed too much?

I still see their faces. They haunt me, all the terrible things I've done. Anyone I've ever hurt, I see them every time I close my eyes.

It's been years, why won't it stop?!

I have new friends now. Will I forget their faces too? I can't ever forget. It fades more every day. I remember less and less.

But I remember these feelings. I promised I'd never leave, but I did.

I failed everyone who has ever cared about me. I sorry to my parents and my siblings and my friends and most of all I'm sorry my love.

I'm sorry.

Why do I see so many faces? Life goes on. Why can't I let go?

Hanging on to my regrets was always something I did. I blame myself for everything.

I'm not a good enough friend.
I'm not a good enough child.
I'm not a good enough sibling.
I'm not a good enough lover.
I'm not a good enough person.

So why do all these people think I am?

What have I done to deserve all this?

I don't know when other people are hurting. I can barely tell when I'm ok.
I feel like I can't help.

I lost control once. I was so scared. I didn't know what was going on. I'm not sure I ever got over it.

And I keep seeing faces.

I see them happy. Happy without me, never even noticing that I left. I've tried reaching out. They don't care.

That's fine. I don't want them to worry about me any longer.

I worry about them constantly, even the ones I barely remember. Even if I saw them and never recognized them. I hope they're happy. I hope they're much happier without me, because I feel like I leave a trail of destruction where I go.

I miss them, I want to see their faces. I want the nightmares to stop.

I can't take seeing any more faces.

See ya, imaginary people

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