The Price of Happiness

563 17 19

Killer's POV

Nothing ever comes for free. You have to work for it, you have to pay for it. Sometimes, you give up part of yourself for that feeling. That dumb feeling.

I've traded my morals to have happiness. I gave away my soul to have someone look at me with pride. I work so hard for those small displays of approval. I bite my tongue whenever he speaks, don't talk back, even try to do all my work on time, but it's never good enough.

I keep my thoughts to myself because I learned pretty quickly that no one actually cares how you feel about something. They only care for themself and anyone who disagrees must be wrong, no matter how flawed their logic.

I endure the yelling, the guilt trips, the blatant hypocrisy, for what? A small nod, a smile? It only gives me a few minutes of peace before I have to worry about everything from the way I look to how I talk so I can have those next few seconds of approval.

Is it really worth it? I spend every single day stressed about every small thing. Even normally inconsequential decisions cause extreme stress. 

It feels like I'm losing my mind. 

I wish I could go back. I wish I never saw the truth. I miss the ignorance. It all seems so backward, the dark, the unknown, seems much safer compared to the truth. 

I don't want to know that this is wrong because it was so much easier to believe it was right, but I know. I can't get rid of the truth. 


See ya, imaginary people

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