Nightmare x Ink x Cross

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(Requested by KonekoTheEspeon For some reason I made both Ink and Cross submissive. I was just like, well two doms and a sub is normally what we see in threesomes so let's make it two subs and a dom. I don't think it need to be said that Cross and Ink learned to share really well. Also they're humans)

Cross's POV

"But, Night, you promised" Ink, one of my boyfriends whined.

"I've got work" Nightmare, my other boyfriend said. Ink and I grabbed his arms.

"Please?????????????" We said in unison.

"You two are going to get me fired one of these days...... Alright, I'll stay"

"Yay!" Nightmare takes out his phone and calls his boss.

"Yeah, I can't come in tonight, my died?"

"I mean my grandma"

"No, grandma's cat. She's real upset about it and I have to drive to Oklahoma to get her a new one?"

"Thank you, sir..... Well, screw you a**hole. I meant thank you ma'am" Then he quickly hung up the phone.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I don't know, I panicked" Then the phone started ringing again. This time Ink picked it up. Good, now Nightmare can't embarrass himself again.

"No, this is Ink. Who is this?"

"Oh, uhhhh scrrrrttt the connection is breaking up"

"Uhhh, I have to go wash my cat."

"I have to go buy a cat. Bye." Ink said quickly. He threw the phone out the window without hanging up.

"Ink! You can't just throw things out of windows when they annoy you."

"Why not?"

"We've been over this, it's bad. You know what happened last time."

"Error deserved it"

"That's right, and then you had to apologize to..."Nightmare then realized what Ink had said. "Wait did you say you threw Error out of the window?"

"I didn't hear anything. Did you Cross?"

"Nope, not a thing, you must be going crazy. Nighty" He studied both of us carefully. Ink looked like a deer in headlights, the only reason Nightmare didn't notice was because he's also a terrible liar. "How about we watch a movie?" After a bit of back and forth debate, we finally agreed on a movie. Well Nightmare and I agreed on a movie, Ink was not happy. That's one of the perks of having two boyfriends, you can watch whatever movie two of you want because majority rules.

We were watching a horror movie. I don't really like horror movies but Ink gets scared easily. Nightmare and I sit on either side of him and cuddle him. Its nice when I'm not the center of a cuddle party under 5 layers of fluff, it's way too hot when that happens.

(Time skip: a few hours later) {This time skip was brought to you by, this quick thing
Geno: *just chilling*
Reaper: *walks into the room*
Geno: *blushes*
Classic: how you feeling, Geno?
Geno: I feel f***ing gay}

Nightmare's POV

Cross and Ink fell asleep a few minutes ago. Now, I can finally get some work done. I get up and put a blanket over them so they don't get cold after I leave. They're so cute when the sleep. I give them both a light kiss on the forehead and get ready to leave.

They don't like me going out without some way to contact them so I grab Ink's phone from the counter and head out the door. Knowing them they're going to bombard me with text messages asking where I went. I leave them a note.

Dear Ink and Cross,

I went to get some work done. I have Ink's phone, don't worry. I love you both, be back soon.

Love, Nightmare

The end. Yeah, one more request to go. See ya, imaginary people.

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