King!Error x Servant!Ink

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(Yay, new one-shot. This was requested by Rooted_Shipper Sorry it took forever, I had to rewrite the whole thing a few times because I wasn't happy with it)

Ink's POV

I'm tidying up King Error's room when I feel my hands start to shake. Not now. Why does this always have to happen at a bad time? I quietly slip out into the hallway..... where I'm stopped by Error. Of course.

"WhEre aRe YoU gOiNg?"

"Just out, my king"

"JEeZ, InK, yOU acT lIke wE HAveN't knOWn eaCh oThEr foRevER"

My vision starts getting blurry and my head hurts a lot. "R-right, Error"

The last thing I hear is "ARe yOU oK, InK?" then everything goes dark.

Error's POV

I see Ink start to fall so I quickly grab him before he hits the floor and carry him to my room. I'm freaking out. Is he going to be ok? I 've never seen him faint or anything before. He always seems perfectly fine.

[Time skip: 2 hours later]

Ink sits up a bit and looks around. "Huh, where am I?"

"YOu pAsSEd oUt, sO I bROuGhT yOU To mY rOOm"

He starts sputtering apologies. "I'm so sorry, it won't happen again. I really didn't mean to-"

"It'S aLRigHt, INk" He calms down a little bit. "NoW tELl mE wHaT'S gOInG oN"

"I can't"

"WhY NoT?"

"You'll hate me for it"

"I cOuLD nEvER hATe yOu"

"You say that now but you're going to leave me... just like everyone else"

"WhAT dO yOU mEaN?"

"Never mind, forget I said anything" He looks so emotionless, so dead inside.


"I'm an emotionless freak, ok? Are you happy now? ...Just leave me alone"

"BuT hOW dO yOu..."

"I take medicine that helps me fake having emotion. I ran out earlier and that's why I'm acting strange"

"HoW cAn yOU SurViVE wiThOUt a SouL?"

"I don't know, it just happens"

There's a knock on the door. "King Error, your presence is needed in the council chambers"

"I'll bE tHeRE iN A mINuTe" I turn back to Ink. "I'll be back in a little bit. Stay here, I want to talk to you when I get back"

"Yes, Error"

Sorry it was short for some reason, I didn't like where the plot was going with this also I'm kinda in pain so typing hurts. Probably going to have do Error x Ink again but better. I'm probably going to delete this chapter of that happens. Well, see ya, imaginary people.

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