(You Made This)

192 13 24

Here's your story:

Once upon a time, there was a chinchilla named Caramel who liked tennis. It all started when they were 2 years old. They saw a cloistered porcupine who was running. Caramel thought Wow I want to be like them.

So they tried their best to be like that porcupine. They went to Astonishing Jackson Catty Lopez College and got a degree in banking. Now they make $12 every three months.

Caramel got married to a dingo named Levi. They have 37 perfect children, all named Grzegorz.

The End.

Thanks to BlueberGhost LeSinningAsswhole DeathTrap-Oficcial DevilChicken246 RitaERROR FlameTheWolf101 and SmolPositiveBean

I'm willing to do this again with a longer story if you all want

Ok, see ya, imaginary people

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