What Is Love?

475 13 23

Killer's POV

I never knew what love was before. I knew it existed, but it was an unattainable object.

Of course, I understood the way you love your family or your friends and even the way you love yourself, but I didn't understand romantic love.

I thought I did, I read so many book and watched so many movies. I thought I had a handle on what it would be like.

The truth is, all of those were terrible sources. There's no good way to describe love. It just is love.

It was always easy to see when other people were in love. I thought it would that easy when it came to my own feelings, but it wasn't.

Love is a suffocating feeling. It drives the oxygen out of your body and makes it hard to breath and think.

Every word from someone you love feels like a drug. Any word feels like it could kill you or make you a god. It's so addicting.

It's a strange and dangerous feeling. Why do you junk so many people do stupid things for love?

Being in love is a mutual trust. You put your life in the other's hand and hope they don't destroy you. A good partner does everything to protect what you entrusted them with.

Sometimes it feels more like trying to get away with murder than anything.

It's a game of hope and trust. I don't trust myself with other people's lives. But for some reason I accepted his. I asked for it.

I bear his weight like he does mine. If my problems are his and his are mine then mine become mine again.

Love makes us stronger. Two people alone can't carry that burden but somehow this strange feeling keeps us moving and supporting each other.

We just have to keep stepping and hope the other won't let go.

So I guess love is an invisible force. I keeps everything together and makes us stronger, or it can crush us.

After all this, there's still no good way to describe love

See ya, imaginary people

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