Crossmare/Cream/Dreammare (Medieval Times AU)

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(I was planning on doing a just Crossmare one-shot but then I had a better idea and then I ended up writing this. 

If you're wondering why I didn't just say 'Creammare' it's because at no point do all three of them have a relationship and they just love each other individually. Trust me I would have called it Creammare if it was accurate because it's a really long title and that would have made it shorter.

The fact that this story is set in Medieval Times may not seem important at first, but trust me, it's the most important thing about this one-shot. 

This is your last warning, attempted suicide, death, and lots of sadness await you ahead. Are you sure you want to read this?)

Nightmare's POV 

"You're so selfish that I bet dream wishes he'd never helped you! I wish you'd died instead" Cross screamed at me. I recoil from his words. It was over a year ago but I still remember like it was yesterday. I was dying, I wanted to die. Dream found me, curled up under a willow tree with slit wrists. He tried to save me but I was still dying. 

I tried to reassure him it was alright but he did the one thing no one is allowed to do. He used magic. He used magic and gave up most of his powers to save my life. Then, two days later, the castle guards showed up. Someone saw him using magic and reported it to the king. I was so angry but I couldn't do anything without getting us both killed. I needed to be alive to save Dream. 

I tried to convince them but if anyone accuses someone of using magic then that person is as good as dead. They hold a trial to make it seem fair but the king is only satisfied with death. Cross and I were the only ones who spoke up. They all could have saved him but they were afraid. The order came from the king that he would be executed the next day at dawn. The last time we ever talked was down in the dungeon.


Cross and I went down there to see him. He spoke to Cross first. 

"I love you, Cross. I wish it didn't have to be this way."

"It doesn't have to be let-" Dream cut him off.

"I won't allow either of you to die on my behalf, besides we'd all be dead if you did that"

Cross is crying at this point. "Yeah, I know. I love you too, Dream" Cross then left to allow us to talk. 

"I'm so sorry. If only I'd never been so stupid, you wouldn't be in this mess."

"It's alright. I don't blame you."  

Then he smiled at me. "Take care of Cross for me" 

-Flashback over-

I turn into my corrupted form "Don't you dare bring Dream into this!" 

Cross gets immediately guilty "Nightmare, I'm sorry I don't know what came over me"

"Stupidity, that's what. If you want to get yourself killed, go ahead, it's not like I care. I've been here for you this entire time. I never once turned my back on you. I loved you, Cross. Now I see that you didn't love me"

I change back to my passive form and walk out the door. I'm never coming back. There's nothing left for me here. I lost the two people I loved.

Cross's POV

I feel tears roll down my cheeks. It's too late. I lost them both. "Nightmare, I'm sorry...................................................................................................................................................................................................................I love you"

What are you looking for?

There is no happy ending.

This is it. This is the end. 

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