A Bond Through Time

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(Weird random idea. My head decided I need more StarCrossed)

Cross's POV

I was walking when I felt someone bump into me. We turned around to stare at each other. I tried to speak but my words just didn't come out. He was a little shorter than me, not much but enough for me to notice it right away. He wore a fluffy blue and yellow striped jacket and shorts. Strange but not anymore out of place than the heavy clothing I was wearing.

His eyes seemed to be tracing the zigzag scar on my cheek but I couldn't tell. I found myself getting lost in his eyes, they were beautiful, just like stars. I was sure I had never met him before but he seemed so familiar and he responded when I said his name. "Outer?"

"Yes. And you're Cross?" How did he know my name?

"Yeah." This is so weird, but it feels so natural. We somehow got closer without realizing it. Our faces were only inches apart. Why does it feels so far?

I barely even noticed everything around us. It just didn't seem important. I gently lean forward and close the gap between us. He wraps his arms around my neck so I put mine around his waist.

I saw so many times that we were together, never with the same faces. Always different, always different names. Like different people but it was always us.

We separated after what felt like more than a lifetime. "Did you see it too? Did you feel it?" I don't even have to explain, he knows exactly what I'm talking about.

"Yes, I saw it."

Alright done. I have a really hard time writing soul-mate/ love at first sight type things, probably just my experiences with people. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. I'm really bored and if you want to talk I would appreciate it. See ya, imaginary people

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