Random (Part 1)

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(Had some random thoughts. Take it, my brain like poly relationships)

(Beta design for Grey is slightly off-white bones, grey eye lights, dark grey tights and a bit oversized grey stained glass pattern long-sleeve shirt. Might change it later, but I think I like it. (I'm not done with the drawing yet))

Grey's POV

"Mother, Parent wants to know where his chocolate is," I yell.

"I told you, Cross. I didn't take your stupid freaking chocolate!" Mother yelled.

I'm Grey. This stuff is pretty normal for me. I've got my mom, Dream; my mother, Ink; my parent, Cross; my dad, Error; and my father, Nightmare. We all live together. I'm really excited to finally go to an actual school. All my other parents insisted on homeschooling me but Mom finally convinced them to let me go.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Dad asks. "I'll let you stay home."

"I want to go! I want to see kids my age!"

"Ok, but if you ever want to come back home, my phone will be on. You can ask to call me. Or you can just teleport back home. Either way is fine. I can stop whatever I'm doing to be with you and one of us will be at home at all times"

"I'm fine, Dad." All my parents are really protective. They've never let me be at home by myself and anytime I have a nightmare they let me sleep in their bed with them. I'm not sure who's the most protective, but Parent did threaten to rearrange a kid's ribs for pushing me at a playground. Mother had to calm him down before he 'did anything stupid'.

I go to find Father, he's probably reading. I was right, he's sitting in a chair with a book. I walk over and he immediately lifts me up onto the chair with him. He points to a sentence in the book. "Can you read that?"

I look at it. "Black bears sometimes hi-burr-nate, in trees."

"Very good. Hibernate means they sleep all Winter." Father isn't happy about sending me to school either for some reason, but he was the first one to agree with Mom. Something about something being 'not normal'.

"Nightmare, he has to go now," Mom says as he picks me up.

"Already? It's too soon."

"We can't baby him all his life."

"Ok." Mom gives Father a quick kiss before he carries me to my room. Mom sets me down.

"Do you have all of your stuff?"

"Yes, Mom." I grab my bag and then the rest of my parents walk into the room.

"We're coming with you to drop Grey off," Mother says.

We get to the school. Mother lets me hold his hand while we walk to the classroom.

The teacher greets us. "Hello," She says. She looks confused. "Which ones of you are his parents?"

"All of us."

Parent takes me to go play with some blocks while they talk to the teacher. No one else is here yet. "Are you nervous?"

"No, why would I be?"

"It's nothing. You're amazing and we love you exactly how you are."

"I know"

After a while, they all come over. My parents give me a hug. "You're crushing me"

"Sorry." They let me go, but Mom hugs me again.

"I thought you were the one who wanted him to go to school," Dad said.

"I'm just nervous about leaving my baby"

"I'll be fine, Mom"

"You can call us if you need anything."

"Don't get into any trouble."

"Be sure to listen to the teacher."

"No using magic."

"Try to make some friends."

"We love you," They all say at once.

"I love you too, bye"

I wait for a bit after they leave. Some other kids start showing up, by themselves. Kinda weird. Don't their parents care about them?

I start talking to one of the kids. His name is Goth, he seems pretty nice.

"What are your parents like?" Goth asks.

"Well, they're all nice. They love me a lot. They dropped me off this morning. It's my first day of school."

A bell rings and the other kids sit down at desks. What's going on?

The teacher starts talking. "We have a new student today. This is Grey. Grey, how about you come introduce yourself?"

"Ok. My name is Grey." She makes a hand motion to tell me to keep talking. "I've never been to an actual school before."

We learn about Math and some Science and then we have a playtime break. I start talking o my new friend, Goth.

"So, who are your parents?" He asks.

"Dream is my Mom. Ink is my Mother. Cross is my Parent. Error is my Dad. And Nightmare is my Father"

"You have five parents?"

"Doesn't everyone?"

This got way longer than expected. Will make part 2. Also going to finish drawing Grey.

I think I just like making ship kids. See ya, imaginary people.

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